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Effect of solution akvahelatae Selenium on the dynamics of immunoglobulins and circulating immune complexes in the young quails serum
Nowadays, as in humane and veterinary medicine, actively conducted search tools to improve the overall resistance of the organism and antioxidants. Selenium is part of a series of enzymes that together with catalase and superoxide dismutase make enzymatic antioxidant defense system of the body. Functional activity selenium containing enzymes (glutathione peroxidase, peroxidase selenium depended neutrophils, selenium protein, tioredoksynreduktaz et al.) It is ensured by features of the crystal structure of selenium, which is their focal point.
As selenium immunomodulator regulates the synthesis of antibodies, increases the activity of lymphocytes. Selenium improves the ability of lymphocytes respond to stimulation of antigen, proliferate and differentiate. Special feature of its actions is that it activates factors of natural resistance: cell monocyte-macrophage system, NG and NK-cells. Activation of macrophages leads to increased synthesis of almost all cytokines produced by these cells, because that is enhanced functional activity of factors both cellular and humoral immunity. That is, under the influence of selenium changes occur throughout the immune system, which corresponds to the natural course of immune activation observed and the development of any immune response.
Found that the content of total serum immunoglobulin in the first group as the first and the fifth day tended to increase compared with the control group, indicating a negligible impact akvahelatae solution of Selenium in the studied dose of immunoglobulin synthesis.
A second group of quail 1-day age was 7.30±0.07 mg/ml on the 5th day 8.40±0.10 mg/ml, which is significantly more than the control at 10.6 % (p<0.05) and 7.7 % (p<0.01), an increase of total immunoglobulin is probably a consequence of activating action chelate solution of selenium in quail specific immunoreactivity body during early postnatal development. However, in the third group of indicators of total IgG in serum quail had the opposite trend, that has undergone reduction.
Content Ig M in serum quail, which is the body responsible for the primary immune response, in the first experimental group in day age tended to increase compared with the control, but at the 5th day their contents probably was higher compared with the control group at 7.8 % (p<0.05). In group 2 content Ig M in serum was significantly increased in quail day age of 8.0 % (p<0.05), and four days increased by 23.6 % (p<0.01) compared with control group. This could indicate that quail increase body resistance due to stimulation of the primary immune response. However, in the 3rd experimental group, the quail 1-day old content Ig M was 0.22±0.01 mg/ml, which was significantly less than 12 % (p<0.01) than in the control and five days age only marked downward trend in this indicator.
We know that in the body after the synthesis of Ig M reached a higher stage of the immune response-formation Ig G. Thus, their content in the blood serum of quails 1-and 5 days old in the first group was significantly more than 2.9 % and 2.7 % compared to control (p<0.05). In group 2 content Ig G in serum quail days age was 5.69±0.04 mg/ml, and after four days of 6.78±0.03 mg/ml, 3.6 % (p<0.05) and 3.7 % (p<0.01), respectively, more than in the control group. This indicates that under the influence of akvahelatae solution of selenium probably already happened body increase resistance of quail in the critical phase of quail. However, in the third group watched a tendency to reduction of Ig G in blood serum as a single poultry and five days age.
The content of Ig A serum in the first group of quail quail 1- and 5 days old tended to increase relative to controls. This likely change, we have recorded in the 2nd experimental group where Ig and content was 0.73±0.02 mg/ml, which is 1.2 times more compared to control (p<0.05). And on the fifth day content Ig A serum poultry increased compared with the control group 1.1 times (p<0.01). This indicates that akvahelatae solution of selenium in small doses promotes immune defense of the organism quail. However, in the 3rd group observed the opposite in the direction of reduction of Ig A serum quail aged 1–5 days.
It is known that the formation of immune complexes as physiological products antigen-antibody reaction is part of the defense mechanisms, that is one of the components of the immune response. However, their continued circulation in the body leads to accumulation of the latter in the tissues, increased platelet aggregation, which in turn, causes abnormal blood microcirculation.
In the 1- and 5 day age quail in serum in the first experimental group significant difference medium size and low CIC compared with the control group was not established. However, in the group 2 days old quails in serum showed a significant decrease in CIC average size of 1.4 % and the small size of 1.1 % (p<0.05), while the heel day observed only a tendency to decrease these indicators Reduction of serum CIC research groups points to reduce the formation of it antigens and increase the reactivity of the immune system to their elimination. However, in the 3rd experimental group content of circulating immune complexes in the blood serum of quails tended to increase in day age, and on the fifth day was greater than the content of low CIC 6.9 % (p<0.05) compared with control group.
Key words: akvahelatae Selenium solution, young quails, immunoglobulins, circulating immune complexes.
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