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Effect of vitamin c on indices system and antioxidant immunoreactivity calves vaccinated against salmonella

It is on the development and functioning of the immune system depends on resistance, which is often due to the effects of adverse environmental factors reduced. There is the development of immunodeficiency, as a result of disrupted the ability of the body to produce the required amount of antibodies for protection against infectious diseases. Feeding newborn calves ascorbic acid in the early adaptation period led to the growth rate at low glutathione levels of malondialdehyde, which showed positive enhancement of the level of antioxidant system. The decline in vitamin C and glutathione in plasma of calves at vaccination and revaccination was necessary in a young body needs this vitamin for immunization. The use of ascorbic acid as an immunomodulator calf-there with their immunization vaccine against salmonellosis caused increase of immune cells in their body.

Key words: vitamin C, immunity, calves, vaccination, salmonellosis, resistance, T- and B-lymphocytes, BABS, LABS, glutathione peroxidase (GPO), malondialdehyde (MDA).

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