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Epizootic situation for ascarosis pigs in PJC «poultry-factory «Ujnaja» the Simferopol's district of Crimea

In the article information is resulted about the infection of ascarosis pigs in PJC «poultry-factory «Ujnaja». It is rotined that a helminthism is registered practically in all of age-dependent groups of animals, but 2-4 monthly ages are more frequent marked for piglings, here extensiveness of invasion 66,7%, at animals of other age-dependent groups extensiveness of invasion notedly below and varies from 20,0% for new-born piglings to 33,3% for sows. Maximal intensity of invasion is marked at a sapling to 4 months and is at the level of 51±0,7 – 55±0,2, while for piglings on fattening and basic sows intensity of invasion considerably below and is within the limits of 7,6±0,1 – 8,3±0,4. However much a transmitter of exciters ascarosis sows is by the dangerous source of this helminthism for new-born piglings.

Key words: ascarosis, pigs, intensity and extensiveness of invasion.

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