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The article shows that the blank mares and stallions Russian trotting breed and konematok in the first 3 months after vyzherebki erytrotsytopoezu common indicators, namely the total number of red blood cells, the contents of hemo-globin, hematocrit value and MSN index were within the physiological oscillations. However, regarding the population of red blood cells, in stallions found reducing the share of "mature" and increase the "young" form red blood cells, increased acid resistance of erythrocytes to hemolytic, which probably indicates a genetic predisposition to significant physical stress and adaptive tsytohenezu erythroid sprout bone for brain oxygenation processes. In konematok within three months of vyzherebki increasing number of "young" form red blood cells, in which there is no definitive stabilization of the structural elements of erythrocyte membranes.
Key words: mare, stallion, Russian trotting breed erytrotsytopoez, erythrocytes, erythrocyte population composition, acid resistance, hemoglobin, hematocrit value, MCH, MCV.
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