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The fatty acid composition of internal fat of the broiler-chickens’ carcasses for enrichment of their ration by na-nomicroelemental food additive Microstimulin
The author analyses fatty acid composition of internal fat of broiler-chickens’ carcasses which is for enrichment of their ration by nanomicroelemental food additive (NMFA) Microstimulin. It is distinguished that there is a downward tendency of saturated fatty acid in rawhide’s fat of the 1st tested group in comparison with the controlled one. Thus, the content of some individual saturated fatty acids such as myristic acid (р≤0.01), stearic acid (р≤0.001) and lignoceric acid (р≤0.05) authentically decreases in the internal fat of broiler-chickens’ carcasses of the 1st tested fowls’ group, which ration has been enriched by NMFA Microstimulin with dose in 1 ml per dm³ of water.
Fat samples of the 2nd group (Microstimulin with dose in 10 ml/dm³ of water) have shown that there is an upward tendency of saturated fatty acid content because of the increase of pentadecanoic acid (р≤0.01), heptadecanoic acid (р≤0.001), arachidic acid (р≤0.01) and behenic acid (р≤0.001) but the content of stearic acid decreases (р≤0.05).
Upward tendency of the quantity of saturated fatty acids in fat samples of the 3rd broiler-chickens’ tested group (Microstimulin with dose in 20 ml/dm³ of water) is connected with established increase of pentadecanoic acid (р≤0.01), heptadecanoic acid (р≤0.01), arachidic acid (р≤0.001), behenic acid (р≤0.01) and lignoceric acid (р≤0.01).
There is an upward tendency of a content of monounsaturated fatty acids in the fowls’ fat samples of the 1st tested group in comparison with the controlled one. However, there is a downward tendency of a content of these fatty acids in the samples of the 2nd as well as in the 3rd tested groups. Thus, the samples of broiler-chickens’ fat of the 1st tested group show a slight increase of a content of monounsaturated fatty acids such as palmitoleic acid, oleic acid, heptadecenoic acid and the mass part of myristoleic acid (р≤0.001) as well as of eicosenoic acid (р≤0.01) is authentically lower then in the controlled one.
There is not any authentic difference in the individual monounsaturated fatty acids in the broiler-chickens’ internal fat of the 2nd tested group in comparison with the controlled samples. The samples of this tested group have a downward tendency of a content of oleic acid (cis), but the content of palmitoleic acid, heptadecenoic acid, eicosenoic acid and arucic acid on the contrary has an upward tendency. The mass part of other monounsaturated fatty acids does not have authentic difference in comparison with the controlled group.
There is slightly different content of monounsaturated fatty acids in the samples of rawhide’s fat of the 3rd group. Thus, the fat samples of this tested group have a downward tendency of the mass part of oleic acid (cis), but the content of myristoleic acid (р≤0.05), eicosenoic acid (р≤0.01) and arucic acid (р≤0.05) has been authentically decreasing. There can be seen slight decrease of palmitoleic acid, pentadecanoic acid and heptadecenoic acid.
Mass part of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the samples of internal fat of all tested groups has an upward tendency in comparison with the controlled groups. There is an authentic increase of γ-linoleic acid (р≤0.001), which relates to ɷ-3, in fat of the 1st tested group, but the content of related to ɷ-6 linoleic acid in the same group has only an upward tendency.
The mass part of hexadecadienoic acid (р≤0.01), eicosadienoic acid (р≤0.05) and arachidonic acid (р≤0.001) is authentically lower then in the controlled group.
There is an upward tendency of the mass parts of linoleic acid as well as of γ-linoleic acid in the samples of the 2nd tested group, but the content of hexadecadienoic acid (р≤0.01) and arachidonic acid (р≤0.01) in the same group is authentically lower then in the controlled one.
Slightly another content of nolyunsaturated fatty acids is registered in the fat samples of the 3rd tested group. Thus, only the mass part of linoleic acid has an upward tendency, but the content of γ-linoleic (р≤0.001) is authentically lower then in the controlled groups. Hexadecadienoic acid and arachidonic acid in this tested group have a downward tendency in comparison with the controlled one, but the content of eicosadienoic acid is the same in both groups – tested and controlled ones.
The author describes that the biggest content of unsaturated fatty acids among all the tested groups is in fat samples of the first tested group which is 71.80 %. Mass part of unsaturated fatty acids in the 2nd as well as in the 3rd tested groups is 68.58 and 69.84 % accordingly. Mass part of unsaturated fatty acids in fat samples of the controlled group is 69.31 %.
The ratio of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids is coming up to 1:3 that is optimal in human nourishment.
Acid and peroxide values of rawhide’s fat in the 1s and the 2nd controlled groups do not exceed standards, but the samples of the 3rd tested group exceed the standards.
To sum up it is important to highlight that the fatty acid content of rawhide’s fat of the broiler-chickens’ carcasses depends on the target dose of NMFA Microstimulin. Being influenced by NMFA Microstimulin there is a downward tendency of saturated fatty acids and an upward tendency of unsaturated fatty acids in the internal fat of fowls’ carcasses of the 1st tested group (1ml/dm3 of water). Also there is a decrease of fatty acids related to ω-6 and an increase of fatty acids related to ω-3 in comparison to the controlled group.
The enrichment of the broiler-chickens’ ration by NMFA “Microstimulin” with dose in 1 ml/dm³ and 10 ml/dm³ of water (1st and 2nd tested groups) has a positive influence on the quality indicators of rawhide’s fat of broiler-chickens’ carcasses especially on the acid and peroxide values. Acid and peroxide values slightly exceed the standard’s limits in the samples of broiler-chickens’ rawhide’s fat of the 3rd tested group (20 ml/dm³ of water Microstimulin).
Key words: broiler-chickens, nanomicroelemental food additive Microstimulin, internal fat, fatty acid composition, acid value, peroxide value and iodine value.
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