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Features of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the body of oak silkworm depending on forage plant
The results of the studying of features of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the body of oak silkworm depending on forage plant are shown in the article. Feeding insects with new forage plant is immediately displayed on the process of accumulation of reserve substances in the body. The more reserve substances are accumulated before diapause, the deeper is the rest of insect and it is better adapted to environmental factors that are unfavorable for active vital functions.
Many of the researchers have observed that the content of carbohydrate in plant determines the level of fat and glycogen accumulation in insects: the more carbohydrates are in the plant, the greater is store of energy compounds deposited by organism. When the amount of carbohydrates in forage plant increases the weight of insect herbivores larvae reaches the largest size. This factor affects the fertility of insect herbivores: the relationship between the weight of larvae, pupae and fertility was established in many researches.
The type and quality of feed affects not only biological, but also the technological characteristics of cocoons and threads. According to the views of many researchers, the efficiency of utilization and usage of feed by insects depends on the ratio of the major nutrient groups. Because the high nutritional value of leaves compensates any negative effects associated with the presence of secondary metabolites.
It should be noted that researches describing the impact of forage plants on the accumulation of biologically active substances in tissues of oak silkworm are insufficient. Thus the similar researches are highly relevant both from a theoretical and a practical point of view.
The objective of the research – to study the level of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the body of oak silkworm depending on forage plants and its composition.
Researches were carried out at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and at the selection and fattening farm in Kivertsivskiy State Forestry in Volyn region. In experiments the oak silkworm Antheraea pernyi G.-M tassar of Polyssia breed was used. Forage plants for oak silkworm were Quercus robur (Quercus robur L.), European beech (Fagus silvatica L.), hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth). The content of water, dry matter, soluble carbohydrates and total lipids in leaves by decade of vegetation were determined in order to investigate the influence of the chemical composition of forage plant on physiological processes in the body of the oak silkworm.
At the end of each age in larvae and after cocoons spinning in female and male chrysalises and oak silkworm grain the total lipids were determined, and in female and male pupae, as well as grain – glycogen.
Researches were conducted in five replications. Statistical analysis of results was performed by the data analysis package of Microsoft Excel.
The type of forage plants has little effect on the water content in oak silkworm pupae. However, the increased content of lipids in the birch leaves leads to higher accumulation of reserve substances in the body of the pupae. Thus, the lipid content in pupae obtained at the birch, was greater than at the oak to 7.26% (p <0.05), and glycogen – to 23.09% (p <0.01). More lipids and glycogen compared with oak pupae was found in the body of pupae obtained at the hornbeam, but the difference was smaller than in case of oak silkworm pupae from the birch.
The most significant consumption of nutrients during diapause was observed in pupae of the hornbeam feed lines: dry matter content in its body has decreased by 8.27%. In the oak and birch chrysalises this reduction constituted 3.43% and 6.14%. Consumption of dry matter during the wintering mainly is associated with the consumption of high-energy substances, which are glycogen and lipids. Last suffered less quantitative changes than glycogen which content decreased in the oak, hornbeam and birch pupae respectively 65.5%, 48.73% and 52.55% from baseline (September). Changes in the amount of lipids for these feed lines were respectively 2.08%, 7.58% and 9.2%.
Increase of glycogen accumulation in the birch and hornbeam chrysalises during the fattening period and early diapause (September) leads to greater consumption of this metabolite, especially in pupae obtained at the birch. Oak pupae had more intensive consumption of glycogen, but the consumption of lipids was much less than in other feeding groups. Obviously, this is due to the close relationship of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism in the body of oak silkworm, which is a general biological phenomenon. Significant consumption of protein and vitamins in the body of pupae were not observed during the wintering, although the tendency to decrease these substances concentration was noted.
Key words: insect, oak silkworm, metabolism, forage plants.
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