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Functional status of liver in broiler chickens for use of Dekavit
Purpose – to study the effect of the veterinary drug "Dekavit" (solution for oral production company Vetsynez,
m. Kharkiv, Ukraine) on functional state of the liver in broiler chickens.
The material for the study were 90 broiler chickens cross Cobb-500, divided into three groups (two experimental and control) to 30 each. Stock 1 and 2 research groups at twice 8–14 and 25–31 day desoldering Dekavit in doses of 1 and 2 ml / liter of water respectively.
For biochemical studies of serum clinically examined livestock broiler chickens 16 days old reference, the first and second research group found that the total protein content amounted 29,9±0,8; 31,2±1,20 and 31,8±1,11 g/l respectively. The proportion of albumin in the second experimental group was the highest – 16,6±0,46 g/l (Lim 14,8–18,6), representing 52,2 %, but had no significant difference with the rate control group 15,0±0,71 g/l. The concentration of uric acid in the blood serum of chickens experimental group 2 ranged 0,18–0,31 (0,25±0,02 mmol/l) and had a tendency to decrease. Functional status was studied the activity of liver enzymes indicator that in the experimental group had minor fluctuations and virohodno unchanged from the control group pokaznkamy 16-day-old chicks.
Thus, the use of the drug in doses Dekavit 1 and 2 ml/liter of water broiler chickens at 8–16 day experiment essentially no effect on protein homeostasis and functional status of the liver.
To control the prophylactic efficacy Dekavit conducted clinical study birds and analysis of serum biochemical parameters of broiler chickens after his second application (25–31 days).
Biochemical studies of blood serum poultry 33 days old will establish that the concentration of total protein in the control and experimental groups of birds did not change significantly and amounted to 33,1±1,69; 31,1±1,10 and 28,6±1,16 g/l respectively. The content of albumin also did not differ significantly from that of not only control, but the research group: 15,0±0,95 and 14,1 ± 0,36 vs 15,7 ± 0,87 g/l in control. Only a fraction of albumin, compared with the previous indicator, tended to decrease and amounted to 47,4 respectively; 48,2 and 49,3 %.
The content of uric acid in poultry was the second experimental group tended to decrease (-18.9 %) compared with the control and amounted to 0,30±0,03 mmol/l (Lim 0,17–0,36).
On the positive influence of the drug, including cyanocobalamin and vitamin E on metabolism and functional state of the liver broiler chickens 33 days old points decrease (– 15,3 %; p <0,05) AST activity in birds other research groups to 3,04±0,15 mmol/(h•L) to 3,55±0,13 mmol/(h•L) in the control group. Probable difference between the activity of ALT in chickens control and experimental groups not selected.
As a result of studies found that: a) the use of the drug in recommended doses Dekavit 1 and 2 ml / liter of water likely of changes in total protein and albumin are not marked, but the concentration of uric acid tended to decrease (– 18,9 %) a group of birds that received 2 ml, which is an indicator of improving output end products of metabolism nucleoprotein; b) the partial recovery of the functional state of the liver for use in Dekavit in dose of 2 ml indicates a decrease in the activity of AST 15,5 % (3,04±0,15 mmol/(h•L), p <0,05).
Key words: liver, total protein, albumin, uric acid, AST, ALT, broiler chickens, Dekavit.
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