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Heavy metals content in water from Southern Ukraine different regions and zones

The paper deals with investigation of macro-and microelements including heavy metals in water from Southern Ukraine different regions and zones. We have studied the regional peculiarities of their accumulation. The excessive loading with Cadmium, which made 88 % in the studied water samples and exceeded the alarm level by 4,5-25 times. Cuprum content in the water samples in central regions of Northern Steppe zone and the Southern region of the dry steppe zone according to the alarm level made 4,3-7,8 times, Zink – 1,8-5 times. Plumbum content exceeding in the southern region dry steppe zone water samples was 11,3-12 times relative to the alarm level.

Key words: heavy metals, Сadmium, Plumbum, Cuprum, Zink, Mercury, the alarm level concentrations, regions, zones of Ukraine.

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