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The improvement of helminthoses postmortal diagnosis methods in wild animals
The purpose was to determine the priorities to optimize and to solve the problem of objective evaluation of parasitological epizootic situation in livestock and wildlife animals. For the diagnosis improvement there were analyzed the pertinent cases and scientific literature, official veterinary documentation and the results of previously conducted research there were taken into account.
There were made the experimental and theoretical rationale for using an integrated approach for post-mortem diagnosis of helminths in wild animals in general, and in view of the adoption of the "General ethics of animal experimentation" (Ukraine, 2001) and "The European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals used for experimental and other scientific purposes "(Strasbourg, 1985). The mass helminthological autopsies were not supported. It was proved that at the necropsy of each troupe of rare and endangered animals it is necessary to do the complete parasitological section (not just zooparazytologic survey). For mass helminthological examination there should be used technique of the full helminthological section proposed by K.I. Scriabin. One element of the technique is the method of successive washings. This method in a combination with compressor and the use of magnifying glass and if necessary, under the microscope of the tissue sections of various organs for identifying the worms and sampling different taxonomic groups while examining large and medium sizes of animals are highly effective.
A thorough description of eggs and larvae picture of the vast majority of worms is mostly absent today. That is why the methods of worm's determination and pertinent atlases require updates and reissues. The successful conduct of full helminthological autopsy of vertebrates of different taxonomic, ecological and size groups requires a differentiated approach. They need, along with the general and specific instructional techniques, take into account the stage of differentiation and morphological and physiological characteristics of helmint's bearers.
In a view of the above circumstances there is a need in making up new guides for helminthological survey of the representatives of wildlife. There is also need for the development of manuals for in-alive examination of animals using sparing techniques that would allow maintaining their viability and stereotype conduct.
All the above fully applies to the full parasitological examination of wildlife representatives. This task is more difficult and urgent, because a single methodological guidance on a full parasitological examination has not yet been developed. There were published manuals on some parts of full zooparasitological examination – the collection of parasites in animals, how to conduct microbiological or virological surveys, special diagnostics of fungal infections and other, but still remains undeveloped even the consistency of principles and a comprehensive survey on the autopsy, not to mention a comprehensive approach to in-alive parasitological examination.
Key words: worms of wildlife animals, helminthological section, an integrated approach for the postmorten diagnosis, sedimentation and compressor microscopy.
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