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Influence of acaricides of preparations on cellular composition of hemolymph of bees

Influence of acaricid preparations of sanapin and apisan is studied on cellular composition of hemolymph of melliferous bees at treatment against varroatosis. In the hemolymph of bees, staggered by the tick of varroatosis (control group), there is an increase of number of platocites of mature and old ages, and also presence of plenty of young forms of cages. Treatment of bees acaricides preparations caused the change of amount of haemocites of different groups, thіs it is most expressed it was for bees which preparation of sanapin was applied. The age-related coefficient of hemolymph of worker bees of this group was 0,09, that practically in 3 times less than in the control group of bee families. This index testifies to strengthening of cellular immunity of worker bees and positively forecasts their further viability and productivity.

Key words: Sanapin, varroatosis, bees, haemocites, coefficient of hemolymph.

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