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Influence of the drug «Alphabet for animals» on the parameters of hematopoiesis in pigs

This article highlights the results of the study of the drug «Alphabet for animals» on the indicators of hematopoiesis in pigs on fattening. It is established that it stimulates the production of erythrocytes and the synthesis of hemoglobin, positively influences color indices, the average volume of erythrocytes and hematocrit in experimental animals.

Before the use of the drug «Abet for Animals» in pigs in the control group, the number of erythrocytes ranged from 6.1 to 7.1 T/L and averaged 6.52±0.12 T/L, corresponding to the norm (6.0- 7.5 T/L). The experimental group of red blood cells was slightly larger (+4.4%), and the average value (6.81±0.22 T/L) was unlikely (p˂0.1), compared with that of control group pigs.

In the second blood collection, the number of red blood cells in experimental group pigs increased by 8.7% and amounted to 7.4±0.17 T/L, which is more likely (p˂0.05) than not only at the beginning of the experiment but also comparatively with the number of erythrocytes in the piglets of the control group (6,6±0,22 T/L).

A week after the re-injection of the drug (third blood collection), the probable difference in the number of red blood cells in the pigs of the experimental group, as compared with the control, was preserved. In particular, if the pigs of the experimental group had erythrocytes 7,1±0,06 T/L, then in the pigs of the control group – 6,62±0,15 T/L (-6,8%; р˂0,05).

The hemoglobin content in the pigs of the control group at the beginning of the operation fluctuated within 85.7-105.4 g/l and averaged 94.0±2.26 g/l, which corresponds to normal values ​​(90-110 g/l), although in two animals hemoglobin was slightly less (85.7 and 88.6 g/l), which is characteristic of hypochromia.

At the experimental group pigs, the hemoglobin content varied from 90.3 to 98.3 g/l at that time, and its average data (93.5±1.02 g/l) were not significantly different from those obtained from control group of pigs (р˂0,1).

In the second blood collection, the hemoglobin content in the control group of pigs decreased by 1.0% compared with the initial data (p˂0.1), but its average content (93.1±1.69 g/l) was significantly lower (p˂0,05) than in experimental group pigs with an average hemoglobin content of 102.4 ± 3.93 g/l. When comparing hemoglobin concentration in piglets during the first (93.5±1.02 g/l) and second blood selection, that is, before the start of the experiment and one week after the first dispensation of the drug, the difference was +9.5% (p˂0,05).

The third selection of blood in the pigs of the control group of hemoglobin was even smaller (by 1.5%), compared with the second and first (2%) blood tests and, in addition, its average content (91.7±1.46 g/l) was 17% less than that of experimental group pigs, the hemoglobin content of which was 107.3±3.07 g/l. This amount of hemoglobin was probably (p˂0,001) higher not only in comparison with its content in the control group pigs, but also with the data obtained from the second blood collection in experimental group of pigs (p˂0.05).

One of the indicators of hemocytopoiesis is the hematocrit value, which characterizes the ratio of the volume of the formed blood elements to the total blood volume. By studying this indicator, we found that at the beginning of the experiment, the hematocrit size of the two groups of pigs was almost at the same level and was 34.4±0.7% in the control animals and 35.1±0.58% in the experimental groups (p<0.1). The obtained data are fairly low, since, according to the norm of the hematocrit size of 35-43%, the tendency towards future anemia is observed in pigs, which is confirmed by the low content of hemoglobin in the pigs of these groups for the first blood selection.

The low hematocrit size in the pigs of both groups can be explained by the small average volume of erythrocytes, which at that time in the pigs of the control group was 52.8±1.67 μm3, and the experimental one was 51.75±1.00 μm3, which probably did not differ among them (p˂0,1), but this average volume of erythrocytes is much lower than at subsequent blood samples (р˂0,05).

The next, second blood selection, in the control pigs, the hematocrit increased by almost 5% and amounted to 39.5±1.24%, (p˂0.01), and in experimental group piglets this average was 40.5±0,91% compared to baseline (p˂0,001). At the same time, the average volume of erythrocytes in pigs of the control group increased by 8.6% (p˂0.05) and amounted to 57.35±1.13 μm3, in experimental ones – by 5.7% (54.7±0.61 μm3; p˂0.05) compared to the initial data.

An even more significant change in the parameters of the hematocrit size and the average volume of erythrocytes was evident in the third selection of blood. In particular, if the control group had a hematocrit size of 37.0±0.71%, then in the experimental group it was 41.75±0.49%, which is significantly higher (p˂0.001) and corresponds to the norm (35-43%). At the same time, the average volume of erythrocytes was also significantly higher (p˂0.05) and amounted to 58.8±0.91 μm3, which +5.2% makes it distinct from that of control group of pigs (55.9±0,86 μm3).

It is known that the determination of the amount of erythrocytes and hemoglobin in the blood of animals does not always help to identify the nature of anemia and, accordingly, its causes. To do this, the ratio between the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin, which is indicated by blood indices, is the color index (CP) and the average hemoglobin content in one erythrocyte (MCH). Therefore, we paid special attention to the study of these indicators in pigs for the influence of the drug.

Before using the experimental drug (first selection of blood) in pigs of the control group, the color index ranged from 0.81 to 1.08 and averaged 0.90±0.03 (0.85-1.15 – norm). The tendency toward hypochromia was characteristic of 50% of animals in which the CP was 0.81-0.88.

In pigs of the experimental group, the color index was 0.87±0.02 (fluctuation 0.79-0.93) and was slightly (p˂0.1), compared with the pigs in the control group. Two animals were observed hypochromia (CP was 0.79-0.80), with two more tendencies toward it (in both pigs CP = 0.85).

In the second selection of blood in pigs of the control group, the color index did not actually change (0.91±0.02; p˂0.1), while in experimental animals it increased slightly (+7%) and amounted to 0.93±0, 02, and the difference, compared with the initial data, was probable (p˂0.05).

In the third selection of blood and its study, it was found that in pigs of the control group, the color index remained unchanged and was 0.93±0.01 (fluctuations from 0.89 to 1.00). At the same time, in experimental group of pigs, this indicator increased by 8.6%, compared with the previous data and amounted to 1.01±0.03, which is more likely (p˂0.05) than that of the control group of pigs and in the same animals after the second taking blood.

Another indicator, the average content of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte, at the beginning of the experiment in pigs of control and experimental groups was rather low. In particular, if in animals of the control group it was 14.45±0.50 pg (fluctuations from 13.0 to 17.28 pg), then in the experimental one – 13.80±0.30 pg (p˂0.1) (fluctuations from 12.6 to 14.8 pg). The obtained data indicate that animals of both groups can be traced to hypochromia according to the norm of VHE in pigs 16-19 pg.

During the second selection of blood in the pigs of the control and experimental groups VGE did not change significantly, was 13.55±0.26 pg and 13.82±0,32 pg, respectively, and probably did not differ not only from each other, but also compared with the beginning of the experiment (p˂0,1).

The more pronounced changes in VHE were observed in the blood of pigs after the second selection. In particular, if in animals of the control group VHE increased by only 1.7% (14.04±0.17 pg), compared with the initial data and the indicator for the second blood collection (p˂0.1), then in experimental group of pigs this the average rate was 15.12±0.46 pg, which is more likely (p˂0.05) than in the control and compared with its contents in the previous blood samples. However, it should be noted that even in this case, the average content of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte in pigs of both control and experimental groups did not meet the norm (16-19 pg), that is they observed hypohromy from the beginning and until the end of the experiment.

Conclusions. 1. The drug «Alphabet for animals», which includes a set of fat and watersoluble vitamins and aminoacids, positively affects the state of hemocytopoiesis in pigs on fattening. In particular, after 14 days of application of the drug, the number of red blood cells in pigs in the experimental group was significantly increased compared to the control (6.62±0.15 T/L) and was 7.1±0.06 T/L (p<0,05); the hemoglobin synthesis increased by 17.0% (107.3±3.07 vs. 91.7±1.46 g/l; p<0.001); the hematocrit value increased from 37,0±0,71 to 41,75±0,49% (p˂0,001).

2. Experimental pigs also increased other indicators characterizing the state of hemocytopoiesis, in particular, the color index (+ 8.6%, p<0,05), the average hemoglobin content in one erythrocyte (MCH + 7.7%, p˂0,05) and the mean amount of erythrocyte (MCV; + 5.2%; p˂0.05), compared to the control group of pigs.

Keywords: drug «Alphabet for animals», anemia, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, color index, hypochromemia, hypochromia, hematocrit.


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