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The influence of simbionts of two taxonomic groups (Pasteurella multocida і Ascaridia galli) on the clinical indica-tors of bird by the mixed pasteurellosis and ascaridosis disease

The article presents the results changes of clinical indicators (body temperature, respiratory rate, pulse rate) in bird by the mixed pasteurellosis and ascaridosis disease. In view of the clinically diseased symptom complex of birds was characterized and was accompanied mainly by nerve phenomena, profuse diarrhea with fibrin, mucus and blood, anemia and swelling of the joints. It was found that in all types of clinically diseased birds the fever was subfebrile and accompanied by polypnoe and tachycardia. At the same time, was observed a sharp increase in body temperature in chickens –2 ºС, turkeys –
1.6 ºС, geese – 1.5 ºС, ducks –3.7 ºС, pigeons –3.7 ºС and parrots –0,8 ºС in comparison with the control group.

The increase in temperature in a clinically diseased birds is explained by the fact that it is a protective reaction of the organism to the influence of pathological factors of pathogenic symbionts of microbiocenosis with a disorder of thermoregulation and the emergence of fever, that subsequently led to polypnoe and tachycardia.

In clinically sick birds, polypnoe were observed in chickens – in 19.1 movements of the chest and abdominal wall for 1 minute, in turkeys – by 8.8, in geese – by 15, in ducks – by 13.6, in pigeons – by 25.1 and parrots – by 18.2 compared to the control group.

We believe that the increase of the frequency of respiration occurred due to an increase of body temperature, the influence of endotoxins symbionts of microbiocenosis, oxygen starvation due to anemia and cardiovascular insufficiency. At the same time blood is impoverished with oxygen and is enriched with carbon dioxide, which is an irritant to the respiratory center.

During the observation and examination of clinically diseased birds, was observed an acceleration (tachycardia) of pulse rate for 1 minute. The obtained data in table 1 indicate an increase in the pulse rate in chickens – by 130,1, turkeys – by 29,9, geese – by 40,0, ducks – by 43,7, pigeons – by 96,8 and pigeons – by 363,1. This condition was accompanied by an increase of body temperature and accompanied by a decrease of diastole, that quickly led to decompensation of the heart work.

The results of thermoregulation studies in clinically diseased birds indicate an intensive increase of body temperature in different species of birds. It should be noted that the body temperature in clinically diseased chickens increased on the first day of the disease at 1700 to 45,5 ºС, was observed a sharp decrease on the second day at 700 to 44,9 ºС. From the 1200 of the second day to the 1700 of the fourth day was observed a subfebrile form of fever. From the fifth day the body temperature dropped to 44,9 ºС, and at 1200 it same day it incrised to 45,8 ºС. From the 1700 of the fifth day until the 1200 of the sixth day, was observed a tendency to decrease the body temperature to 44 ºС. A sharp drop of the body temperature was observed at sixth day at 1200 to 44 ºС. On the seventh day of the disease at 700 the body temperature dropped to normal and was 41,7 ºС.

In the clinically diseased turkeys observed an increase of the body temperature  in the first day at 1700 of the and was observed a high temperature, the daily oscillations of which were more than 1 ºC to 1700 fifth day, this a phenomenon called remitting fever. On the sixth day at 7:00 was observed a decrease of the body temperature to 42.5 ºС and on the seventh day at 700 the body temperature came to norm.

In the geese for the second day at 700 observed a sharp increase of the temperature to 44,1 ºС. Subsequently, the subfebrile fever was marked to 1700 of the fifth day. On the sixth day at 700 the body temperature dropped to 42 ºС, at 1700 the same day, it decreased to 41.8 ºС, and on the seventh day at 1700 the body temperature was within the limits of the physiological norm.

In the ducks, the body temperature increased to 41,6 ºC and was subfibrile during the first and second days, and on the third day at 1700 it increased to 42.8 ºС and observed a febrile fever until the 7:00 of the sixth day. From 1200 on the sixth day the body temperature dropped to 40,3 ºC and subsequently was within the physiological norm.

In the pigeons on the first day about 1700, was observed a sharp increase of body temperature to 44,5 ºC, which was atypical to the 700of the the fourth day, and from the 1200 of the the fourth day to the 1700 the fifth day, was observed an ephemeral fever. From 700 to 1700 the sixth day, the body temperature in the pigeons dropped to 42,3 ºС, and on the seventh day at 7:00 the body temperature dropped to the threshold of the physiological norm.

In the parrots was noted a gradual increase of body temperature to 44.3 º C and from the 700 of the second day to 1200of the fifth day it was hyperpiritical, that is, it was higher from the raised body temperature at 3 ºС, in comparison with the physiological norm.

Key words: bird, mixed, clinical indicators, bacterium, helminth.

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