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The Influence of temperature and storage on the bacterial contamination of goat milk
The cornerstone of the Ukrainian dairy industry adaptation to European standards is significant difference in quality parameters of milk. It is possible to obtain high quality raw milk only on high-tech farms. Milk in Ukraine has big bacterial contamination (second class – to 3 million CFU/cm3) respectively to European standards, except for cow disease and bad sanitary conditions of milking. Perhaps this is because the milk from the private sector is not cooled properly, because small farmers do not have cooling tanks.
The purpose of the study was to determine bacterial contamination and physical-chemical parameters at different temperatures and periods of storage of goat milk.
Research was conducted in the laboratory LILCO (Laboratoire Interprofessionnel Laitiere du Centre Ouest – Interprofessional milk laboratory of center and west), Surgères, France, end of 2014 during the internship
All chemical analysis of milk performed using infrared spectroscopy by devices FossomaticTM FC and MilkoScanTM FT+. Microbial contamination of milk was determined by epifluorescence microscopy (FOSS Integrated Milk Testung BactoScanFC).
It was selected 2 liter of bulk tank new goat milk from the farm of producer – client of laboratory LILCO. Milk was poured in 45 flacons: the first 15 samples were cooled immediately and stored at 4 °C. Another 15 samples were kept at the rate of 8 °C, the last 15 flacons – at 12 °C. 5 samples of milk from every refrigerator were analyzed after 18 hours of storage, at the second and third day. Samples were kept for several days because milk from the farmer is not collect ed every day.
All parameters of milk were at the same level regardless of storage temperature after 18 hours of milking. Bactericidal phase in milk was continued during the first day, so the level of bacterial contamination was at one level, even at 12 °C.
The storage temperature of milk greatly affects at length of bactericidal phase.
Milk was selected from the goat herd at the end of lactation, which explained big somatic cell count. High rate of urea in milk was marked by the reason of very large somatic cell count. All parameters of milk have not changed on the second day of storage respectively to the first results. The exception was a total plate count of milk which was kept at a temperature of
12 °C. Bactericidal phase was over and bacteria began to multiply in milk. The bacterial contamination of goat milk kept at a temperature 12 °С was higher 7.4 times than when stored at temperatures 4 °С and 8 °С on the second day after milking (P<0.001).
It was proved that a total plate count of goat milk stored at temperature 8 °С was much higher than when stored at temperature 4 °С on the third day after milking (P<0.001). From this it is not enough to cool the milk to 8 °C after milking, because on the third day bacteria begin to multiply in milk, making it impossible to make dairy products.
To ensure high quality milk it should be the maximum continuation of bactericidal phase, which is possible only with the rapid cooling of milk after milking to 4 °С. If every producer of milk in Ukraine will make milking animals only mechanically with closed supply milk to the cooling tank where raw materials will be stored at this temperature, then bacterial contamination of milk will be according to European standards.
Key words: goat milk, primary processing, cooling milk, bacterial contamination, physical-chemical parameters.
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