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Insufficiency known links of lipids metabolism and glycoconjugates violation at subclinical form of ketosis in highly productive cows
Absence of inflammation and structural changes of basal membranes in parenchymatous organs at subclinical course of ketosis in cows was detected, that is confirmed by the identical level with healthy animals of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines and third fraction of glycosaminoglycans in serum blood.
The initial signs of lypomobilization syndrome were determined, on what specifies reliable increasing of triacylglycerols, lipoproteins of very low-density and β-lipoproteins content on a background absence of reliable changes of total cholesterol and cholesterol of high- and low-density lipoproteins content at subclinical form of ketosis. The increasing of first and second fraction of glycosaminoglycans specifies on development of subclinical form of osteodystrophy.
Researches were conducted on cows of red dairy breed in 3–5 annual age, with the productivity over 6000 liters for a lactation. Animals were clinically inspected in the first weeks after lactation. Urine and blood were selected for a biochemical analysis. Two groups were formed with 7 cows in each – control and experience. To the experience group were entered cows with the presence of ketone bodies in urine (in 2–3, that were determined by the indicatory ribbon of "Ketophan"), and in serum blood (1.1–2.1 mmol/l, that were determined by ketometer of Optium Xceed (USA).
In cows of experience group were hyporexia, oppression, tachycardia, tachypnoea. These signs were absent in a control group, and the level of ketone bodies in the serum blood folded 0.4–0.7 mmol/l. In urine of animals from this group the ketone bodies were not detected.
In the serum blood of experience and control groups are determined: content of general protein and percentage composition of it fractions, concentration of urea, general bilirubin, glucose, general calcium, inorganic phosphorus, general cholesterol, triacylglycerols, fractions of lipoproteins (high-, low- and very low-density), correlation of lipoproteins fractions, concentration of beta-lipoproteins, glycoproteins, general chondroitinsulfates, fractions of glycosaminoglycans, activity of aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase. The results were subject to statistical treatment.
At the subclinical form of ketosis in cows are observed the violations of lipids and lipoproteins exchange in form of hypertriacylglyceridemia and hyperlipoproteinemia due to lipoproteins of very low-density on a background of tendency of lipoproteins of low-density increasing and decreasing of high-density lipoproteins. It is confirmed by the analogical changes of content of beta-lipoproteins and level of lipoproteins fractions correlation. It is characteristically for the initial stage of lypomobilization syndrome.
The results at the subclinical form of ketosis in cows, that were obtained, correlate with the above-mentioned data relating to absence of inflammatory reaction and tendency to fibrotization of parenchymatous organs. It is also coincides with decreasing of chondroitinsulfates content, that, as known, reducing the content of С-reactive protein, slowing down the progress of atherosclerosis, blocking the peroxide oxidation of lipids next to the above-mentioned anti-inflammatory properties.
In the serum blood at subclinical form of ketosis were detected the decreasing of glucose concentration, increasing of ketone bodies concentration, all glycoconjugates except of third fraction of serum glycosaminoglycans, urea, insignificant increasing of aspartate aminotransferase activity, content of triacylglycerols, lipoproteins of very low-density, beta-lipoproteins. Due to the norm limits was content of interleukins, general protein, proteinogramm, level of third fraction of serum glycosaminoglycans, concentration of general cholesterol, cholesterol of high- and low-density lipoproteins, general calcium, inorganic phosphorus, bilirubin, activity of alanine aminotransferase.
Key words: cows, ketosis, lipid's metabolism, cholesterol, chondroitinsulfates, glycosaminoglycans, interleukins.
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