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Laying-hens metabolitic profile correction due to egg-eating
The article reported that re-density, delayed birds, regrouping insufficient air, reduced humidity, excess ammonia, a sharp increase in light intensity at the beginning of oviposition is the root origin of birds flock cannibalism. First, there is discomfort in the body of young and adult birds, then – egg-eating and plucking feathers, and later – eating some other individuals. Unfortunately, the intensification of production poultry industry has led to an appearance in the list of etiologic factors and inefficient use of protein feed (deficiency, excess), lack of vitamins, micro and macro, no gravel, etc.
In order to prevent egg-eating caused by disorder of metabolism of uric acid and retinol, we have piloted a number of schemes. Laying hens were divided into two experimental groups. In order to replenish the vitamin A in both groups of birds were transferred to a diet composed of premix “Intrako Ukraine company”. Study potential properties of drugs and Tsianofor Karnivet L to stimulate metabolism and prevention of liver disease was performed with water in the watering doses: Kurama and research groups – karnivet L 1,5 ml and 0,5 ml tsianofor while poultry from second experimental group received 0,5 karnivet ml and 2 ml L tsianofor. As a universal anti-stress medication to eliminate the aggressive behavior of bird in research groups to the main feeding fumaric acid was added at a rate of 2 g per 1 kg of feed. Farmacoprofylaxis egg-eating drugs Tsianofor and L Karnivet performed twice for 5 days with 12- day intervals. Each unit preventive hens watered with amino acid, vitamins A+ Introvit dose of 1 ml per 1 liter of water.
On the 29 day of experiment (chicken 206-day old) clinical trials established the disappearance of aggression among the birds. Laying hens had satisfactory general condition. Alopecia in the area of the back and around the cloaca changed to shiny, plump feather. Recovery plumage is directly linked to increased biosynthesis of methionine, which is provided cyanocobalamin. The skin around the cloaca practically not viewed. Chickens are active, eating good food and drinking water. Comb and gills are bright red. Conjunctiva is shiny, moderately moist, pink. On palpation will feel mushy mass, indicating a good appetite at chickens.
Farmacoprofylaxis egg-eating had most pronounced effect on the A- vitamin metabolism, as evidenced by an increase (p<0,05), retinol content of 24 % (113,3±8,93 mkg/100 ml) in the serum of chickens II group (2,0 tsianofor ml and 0,5 ml karnivet L), compared with the index and the experimental group (0,5 ml and 1,5 ml tsianofor karnivet L) – 86,1±5,12 ml mkg/100. Exchange of minerals characterized by an increase of total calcium in birds from II experimental group 21,5 % (p <0,05; 7,56±0,41), ionized – 8 % (p<0,05; 1,25±0,02 mmol/l) compared with the index 177-day birds, phosphorus – by 12,8 % (p<0,05; 1,87±0,07 mmol/l) on the values in the experimental group chickens and 206-day ages. Normalization of uricemia was better expressed in laying hens and the experimental group that received 1,5 ml karnivet L and 0,5 ml tsianofor. This is confirmed by the smaller (1,7 times, p<0.05) the concentration of uric acid in the experimental group І – 0,24±0,02 mmol/l (Lim 0,13–0,38) compared with the rate of 177 – the daily bird (0,41±0,04 mmol/l 0,17–0,64).
Key words: metabolism, cannibalism, laying-hens, vitamins, macro- and micronutrients.
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