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Linear dimensions of granulation tissue components in purulent wounds in horses
Accidental purulent wounds in horses are a fairly common pathology associated with the regimes of keeping and operating animals. More often they are localized in the area of the hind limbs (41.7%). The problem of treating wounded animals is quite often associated with the insufficient effectiveness of existing schemes. Due to this the purpose of our research was to test the effectiveness of the developed complex agent of antimicrobial and sorption-detoxification action (consisting of 2% ofloxacin and 98% methyl silicic acid hydrogel) Xeroflox in purulent skin-muscular wounds in horses and to study dynamic changes in the structure of granulation tissue (diameter of endothelial cell nuclei, thickness of the vessel wall, thickness of fibrils, parameters of the vascular bed and the number of cells of granulation tissue). It was established that in the process of healing purulent skin-muscular wounds in horses, the formation of granulation tissue occurs with pronounced stage changes. The formation of the first components of granulation tissue is observed already on the second day after the injury in the direction from the peripheral areas to the center. The end of the formation of connective tissue is observed at different times depending on the selected agent in the first phase of the wound process. The results of clinical testing of the developed complex drug with antimicrobial and sorption-detoxification action Xeroflox (the composition includes 2% ofloxacin and 98% methylsilicic acid hydrogel) for purulent skin-muscular wounds in horses were obtained. The choice of Ofloxacin as an antibacterial component is due to the high sensitivity of the isolated microflora to it. When using Xeroflox in the first phase of the wound process, starting from the second day, the formation of granulation tissue was recorded. The use of Xeroflox, compared with Levomekol, provided a reduction in the healing time of accidental skin-muscular wounds from 24-26 to 20 days (p˂0.001), which is associated with an earlier formation of the arteriovenous bridge in the granulation tissue, which was accompanied by a dynamic increase in the diameter of the nuclei of endothelial cells and the thickness of the vessel walls, as well as the organization of connective tissue fibers.
Key words: horses, wound, wound infection, linear dimensions, endothelial cells, vessel wall, fibrils, treatment.
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