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Morphogenesis of the centers of ossifi cation of bone organs of piglets in the early postnatal period of ontogenesis
The dynamics of growth and development of the basic and additional centers of ossifi cation of bone organs gives an opportunity to fi nd out the patterns of change of their tissue components and subsequent age-related remodeling when performing biomechanical and hematopoietic functions. Features of morphogenesis of hematopoietic components of the skeleton in productive animals should be taken into account in determining the etiopathogenesis and development of methods of treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, immunodefi ciency and anemic conditions in young animals. Were studied bone organs (9th thoracic vertebra, femur) from clinically healthy newborns, 5-, 10-, 15- and 20-day-old pigs (n = 5) of white Ukrainian breed grown using traditional technologies. Radiological research in the organs of universal hematopoiesis determined the availability and degree of development of the dia-, epi- and apophysar centers of ossifi cation, as well as features of the structure of spongy and compact bone tissue. Determination of the relative area of the centers of ossifi cation on radiograph was performed by the method of “point counting” using the eyepiece test systems according to the method of G.G. Avtandilova. In newborn piglets, the bones of the axial skeleton show only the diaphysar (body) centers of ossifi cation and brackets, whereas in the bones of the peripheral bone, the diaphysar and epiphysar ones, as well as the apophysar (larger swivel). With age, the number of limb bones does not change, and the axial skeleton, except for previously formed diaphysar and brackets, appear epiphysar (heads and fossae), starting at the age of 20 days. In all bones there is an increase in the size and relative area of previously formed centers of ossifi cation. In bone organs of all age groups, small-cell spongy bone prevails, whereas compact at the moment of birth, it is present only in the peripheral skeleton, and in axial - it fi rst appears in the body of a vertebra of 10-day piglets and also in the brackets - 20-day piglets. The thickness of metaphysar cartilages, subchondral bones of articular cartilages, as well as the epi- and diametaphysar subchondral bones increases with age.
Key words: blood forming and immune protection organs, skeleton, bone organs, basic and additional centers of ossifi cation, bone tissue, piglets.
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