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Ovaries effect of tissue preparation Pulmolizate on the morphogenesis of heifers-recipients
The secretory ovarian function is a critical factor for the success of the development of early cattle embryos, including for the survival of the early embryos using the methods of non-surgical transfer. In recent years in the countries with developed cattle breeding, there is a stable trend of growth of attention to biotechnology transplantation of the embryos obtained from the best of record cows of different breeds. Statistics indicate the annual in the EU 100 thousand transfers, and in the United States and Canada – to 200 thousand.
But at the same time is not marked progress in the performance level of pregnancy recipient for embryo transfer – worldwide this figure stands at between 30-40% of pregnant, which significantly increases the cost of the method and hinders its wide application in Ukraine.
From the analysis of literary sources we can conclude that the functional and morphological features of activity of the ovaries during the luteal phase of the sexual cycle are based on two opposite and interrelated processes: luteogenesis and luteolysis. According to different authors, the greatest concentration of progesterone, a hormone support comfortable development of early embryos in the uterus, secretes the corpus luteum, a temporary endocrine glands, on the 8th day of the cycle or the 13th day. Moreover, it was experimentally found that the larger yellow body (with a diameter of at least 1.5 cm) secretes into the bloodstream a greater amount of progesterone, which ensures the normal progress and development of the embryo, creating conditions attaching to the uterine wall. Normal, unless the pregnancy, luteum resolves to the 19th day, after which the female starts a new reproductive cycle. Among researchers there is no consensus about the exact morphological and temporal boundary of the transition between luteotagenesis and luteolysis.
Analysis of large-scale research and results of practical work of the Laboratory embryo transfer "Poltavaplemservice" for 2011-2013 showed that in terms of industrial content heifers – recipients, there was significant deterioration of the functional state of the ovaries of rearing in luteal phase of the cycle, namely, the selection of groups of potential recipients
(7-8 day induced sexual cycle). This considerably reduced the rate of breeding progress livestock and significantly reduced the economic performance of the work on embryo transfer in breeding farms of Ukraine.
Critical analysis of the literature suggests that the causes of the inferiority of females ovarian function in cattle during the luteal phase has not been investigated, so the aim of our scientific research was the study of peculiarities of morphogenesis of the gonads heifers – recipients under the influence of a number other factors. According to foreign researchers, there are a number of factors that have luteolysis action and provoke premature luteolysis females of cattle, namely, mycotoxins, bacterial toxins, metabolic disorder in animals due to chronic stress or forage production.
In recent years, a large number of studies on the use of tissue preparations with the aim of improving health and productivity of animals under conditions of industrial technologies operation. However, the effect of tissue bio stimulants on the reproductive potential recipients have not been studied.
Due to the fact that animals – recipients in terms of real production under the influence of the whole complex of seasonal and technological factors, which are divided in the experiment is impossible, in our experience we used an innovative methodological approach for the structuring of limiting reproduction heifers analog of factors on the degree of damage or enhance the effects. Were allocated to 3 groups with different conditions: one control and two trial, which used tissue preparation and carried out the transfer.
Control the timing of morphogenesis of ovaries in all groups were the same – 7-8 day after ovulation of the dominant follicle. Studies of morphology we performed a transrectal method using the modifications described in our previous publications. In the experimental groups after the selection of potential recipients was the procedure non-surgical embryo transfer according to the method presented in our previous studies.
Our results showed that among 150 cycles repair of Mature heifers was observed in the average education only 47% functional ovarian yellow bodies on 7-8 day after ovulation. 30% of females identified premature luteolys and lower activity phase, the morphological characteristics of the corpus luteum did not meet the required parameters for the transplantation of embryos. 23 % heifers, we noted the pathological changes of the ovaries in the form of malnutrition or cystic degeneration of follicles. The lowest level of morphogenesis (only 23% of cycles had a functional luteum) were in the control group without the use of tissue preparation and the forced inactivity of the animals (captive, winter).
The use of pulmolysate given the translation of the experimental group recipients in a more comfortable environment summer maintenance will significantly improve the morphogenesis of ovaries (71% of cycles with functional corpus luteum) and to a relatively high level of pregnant embryos (56%).
Statistical processing of the obtained data palpation showed a significant positive correlation between control and experimental groups.
Production experience has shown that a positive impact on the reproductive function of heifers tissue bio stimulants is manifested in an optimal way only when considering the influence of a number of diferents factors, primarily the conditions of detention and animal feed. The data suggest that the timing of ovarian activity after treatment of animals tissue preparation change depending on the additional variables of the production process and the season of the year, which reveals the need for more detailed study of the physiological mechanisms of action of tissue therapy on different body systems of animals.
Key words: heifers-recipients, ovaries, yellow body, morphogenesis, luteogenesis, luteolis, embryo transplantation, engraftment, tissue drug pulmolysate.
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