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Parameters of some clinical cows and calves indices from different biogeochemical provinces
According to published data the whole territory of Ukraine by the presence of mobile forms of trace elements in soils geochemical are divided into four zones: the western, north-eastern, central and southern. Soil geochemical western areas are characterized by deficits and, Co, Zn, Mn and in some places Cu. In soils of northeastern geochemical zones identified shortage of mobile forms of Co, Zn, and in some places – Mn and Cu. In soil geochemical central area somewhat better equipped micronutrients, but the deficit is detected Zn, Co, and in some places – excess Mn and B.
Based on the above, the relevance of scientific research is integrated to determine the nutrient content of trace elements in the blood serum of animals, the contents of which can diagnose these diseases and identify relevant biogeochemical province.
The purpose of research is to investigate the clinical parameters of cows and calves of different biogeochemical provinces.
The work carried out during the 2015–2016 biennium. At the department of physiology, pathophysiology and immunology of National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.
To accomplish this goal were conducted five series of studies in the farms of different biogeochemical provinces of Ukraine. Experiments conducted on cows of Holstein breed aged 5–6 years. According to Clinical examination 10 animals were selected in each sector with clinical signs and clinically healthy microelementosis. The material for the research served as clinical parameters of 5 animals from each group (body temperature, pulse rate and respiratory movements) 10 days before calving and newborn calves from these animals. Also performed constriction of calves after birth.
Previous studies have found a significant decrease in iodine, copper, manganese, cobalt and zinc in serum of animals with signs of microelementosis biogeochemical provinces data. In particular, the iodine content in the blood serum of animals with signs microelementosis was at 16–24 %, 17–29 % zinc, copper on 22.6–41.1 % cobalt to manganese and 2.4–51 % in 25–41 % below that of the clinically healthy animals.
It is well known that the body temperature of animals depends on age, gender, physiological condition, species, productivity, however, due process heat balance and heat transfer is relatively constant. Even a slight increase in its serves as a signal for inclusion of compensatory mechanisms by which the body is freed from unwanted heat. The body temperature of cows and calves fairly independent of biogeochemical provinces and trace elements in the blood and within 38.3–38.8 oC, which is the physiological norm for this type of animal.
An important characteristic of the physiological state of the body is the heart rate, and the most common method of measuring heart rate is the heart rate. In clinically healthy cows and calves of different biogeochemical provinces of heart rate (HR) is respectively 74–78 and 121–125 beats per minute, which corresponds to the physiological norm. However, in animals with clinical signs microelementosis heart rate was significantly higher than the indicators of healthy animals. Thus, in calf cows with signs microelementosis (experiment I and IV) heart rate was 9.4 % (r≤0.05) and 10.5 % (r≤0.05) higher than their healthy counterparts. And in calf cows from other biogeochemical provinces revealed a clear tendency for higher heart rate.
The frequency of respiratory movements (RM) is one of the main factors of the mechanism that maintains the heat balance and intensity of gas exchange in the body of the animal. Despite the significant increase in heart rate in calf cows with clinical signs microelementosis frequency of respiratory movements were not significantly varied with indicators of healthy animals, however, the tendency to increase (by 5.3–11.2 %).
Newborn calves obtained from cows with clinical signs microelementosis (I, II, IV and V Research) heart rate was at 5.6–8.2 % (r≤0.05–0.01) higher than that of the healthy animals, with BF increased proportionally.
The weight of newborn calves derived from clinically healthy cows of different biogeochemical provinces ranges 31.6–35.2 kg, which is the norm for this type of animal and breed. But in cows with clinical signs microelementosis of born calves with significantly lower body weight (in 11.1–19.6 % r≤0.05–0.001).
Established lack of correlation of body weight of calves from their body temperature, however, the heart rate and respiratory movements are inversely correlated with body weight animals (r≤0.001). The obtained data confirm known statement – the greater is the weight of the animal, the lower is the pulse rate.
Lower body weight functional relationships of animal heart rate in newborn calves with clinical signs microelementosis obviously to some extent can be explained by lower content of hemoglobin and red blood cells, causing a compensatory mechanism for increasing heart rate and BF in these animals.
The authentic increase in heart rate and respiratory movements in calf cows with signs microelementosis in different biogeochemical provinces and calves, while body temperature was not significantly different. Cows with clinical signs of microelementosis born calves with significantly lower body weight (in 11.1–19.6 % r≤0.05–0.001). Established inverse correlation with body weight of calf’s heart rate and respiratory movements (r = -0.62–0.75; r≤0.001).
Prospects for further research are developing a method of correction of trace elements in the blood serum of cows and calves taking into account the different biogeochemical provinces.
Key words: temperature, pulse, respiration, weight, biogeochemical province.
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