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Polymorbid internal pathology in highly-productive cows prevention
An integral approach to clinical and functional status study of high yield Holstein and Ukrainian black-and-white breeds under different technologies and feeding has been applied in Ukraine for the first time. It has become the development basis for informative methods of multiple internal pathology clinical and laboratory diagnostics.
Polymorbid internal abnormalities were diagnosed in 32.0 % of the animals, including 34.7 % of the cows in the group calved 1-14 days before the testing and in 31.2 % in the group calved 15-90 days before. Only a few diseases, speifically hepato- and osteodystrophy were diagnosed in the dry cows. The main causes of polymorbidity internal pathology are:
a) violations in feeding and diet structure; b) lack of easily fermentable carbohydrates in the, especially against the background of protein excess and their low ratio of digestible protein which is 1.3-1.8: 1 (the norm is 2.0-2.5: 1); c) irregular concentrated feed feeding (120,0-136,0 g per 1 feeding unit) in two or three intakes (3.5-4.0 kg each); d) diets imbalance in macro- and microelements, vitamins A and D; e) obesity and lack of motion during the dry period.
Polymorbid internal pathology in high yield cows is clinically manifested with general oppression, drowsiness, ketonuria, tahikardia, tachypnea, decreased appetite, refusal of concentrated feed, proventriculus hypotension, hepatomegaly. rapid decline of milk yields (1.5-2 times) and body weight (60-80 kg) was observed in sick animals.
Rumen pH content, ciliates number, rumen microflora reductase and cellulase activity decreases, VFA total amount and acetic acid contentcome down and butyrate increases at a propionate constant amount under polymorbid internal pathology in high yield cows. The propionic and butyric acids relation is 1: 1 (in clinically healthy animals it is 1.3: 1); hyperpoteinemia (77.4 %), hypoproteinemia (10.2 %), hypoalbuminemia (97.8 %) develops, positive Sublimate (94.9 %) and Formalin (97.2 %) sedimentary tests sediment in 94.9 % of cases coincide with hypoalbuminaemia, indicating high sensivity and diagnostic value of these reactions. Coagulation test with copper sulfate was positive in 80.3 % of sick cows.
Syndromes of hepatocytes cytolysis develops in polymorbidity internal disorders cows causing asparaginic (AST) transferase (97.7 %), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) (32.3 %) and intrahepatic cholestasis (49.8 % were diagnosed with hypefermentemia HFT) activity increase, in 39.6 % of the cows urea synthesizing liver function reduced; blood glucose level, total lipid, cholesteroll, triacylglycerols reduce; the thyroid gland functional activity decrease, resulting in a reduced secretion of triiodothyronine and thyroxine, and TSH concentration increase.
Testing ketone bodies in urine, rumen pH content, butyric acid, total protein and albumin serum, Formalin and Sublimate tests samples, AST hyperfermentemia are comprehensive diagnostic laboratory tests for polymorbid internal pathology in high yield cows.
Implementing phase feeding, balanced diet structure and feeding regime, using pathogenetic and substitution therapy remedies, feeding vitamins and minerals premix contributed to efficient treatment (93.1 %) of sick high yielding cows with multiple internal pathology.
Systemic implementation of technological and medical preventive complex, phase feeding, energy, protein, vitamin and mineral nutrition optimization regime normalizes cicatricial digestion, propionic and butyric acids relation and liver function as well as prevents polymorbid internal pathology in high yield cows.
Key words: high yieldcows, multiple pathology, ketosis, hepatodystrophy, proventriculus dystonіya, aethіology, pathogenesis, dіagnostics, prophylaxis.
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