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The quality of pig slaughter products for the use of feramine
The use of new biologically active drugs is appropriate in the case when the obtained slaughter products will be high quality and safe for human health, which was taken into account in the research.
At the same initial weight of control and experimental animals, pre-slaughter weight of experimental was 4.3 kg more than control. The weight of the pair carcass also exceeded the control by 10.8 %, (p> 0.05). and the percentage of output – 1.06 times. There is no statistically significant difference in the mass of the internal organs.
In the experimental group, the amount of muscle tissue was higher by 10.6 %, fat was 4.5 %, and bone – by 2.8 %, as compared to control (p> 0.5). The rate of meat production in the experimental group was higher at 3.1 % compared with the control animals. That is, the development of the internal organs and tissues of experimental pigs passes proportionally, without deviations from the norm.
The assessment of the biochemical parameters of pig meat did not reveal a difference between the control and control groups in the difference in pH, peroxidase reactions, with a 5 % solution of copper sulfate, amino-ammonia nitrogen, conducted after 24 hours and 8 days of studies. The rather high moisture content of all samples of pork shows its good technological and culinary properties.
The comparative biological evaluation (PBS) of pork was conducted on living biological objects (Tetrahymena pyríformis infusoria). Studies have shown
high biological value of pork, obtained from animals treated with ceramine (100.0 %). It should be noted that meat samples from animals of the experimental group were well stored for 8 days in a refrigerator (t°С ... + 40 С). At the same time, their biological indicators did not exceed the limits of permissible norms. Determination of the content of radioactive 137Cs in the liver of pigs (Bq / kg) showed a decrease of 2,85 % (p> 0,1).
Physico-chemical parameters of fried fat indicate that the fat of experimental and control animals in general did not differ significantly among themselves. By acid number, all samples corresponded to the highest grade. This testifies to the high quality of the fat of both groups of pigs and its ability to be stored for a long time.
Thus, a complex immunostimulatory drug Feramin contributed to the activation of metabolism in the body of pigs, which provided an increase in the intensity of body growth of animals, and therefore increase in muscle and adipose tissue, without reducing their quality.
Key words: feramine, veterinary-sanitary assessment, pig meat, biochemical indices, organoleptic evaluation, biological value of meat.
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