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Рrevention of fusariotoxicosis in young pigs with application based enterosorbent Ekofiltrum study of some of the parties pathogenesis
This article contains the results of the research experiment on the study of pathogenesis, diagnostics and prophylactic efficiency of preparations Ekofiltrum in young pigs effected by DON and zearalenon induced mycotoxicosis. It has been established that mycotoxicosis in piglets caused the acute inflammation and the inflammatory dystrophy if liver, and the sign of progressive renal insufficiency appear. The use of preparations Ekofiltrum together with forage reduces the intensity of figures characterizing this pathological process. The signs of a disease transmission into the chronic form and symptoms of renal insufficiency are not revealed and the biological value of liver and kidneys is decreasing insignificantly as compared with healthy animals. Therefore, the use of preparations Ekofiltrum intensifies the efficiency of veterinary measures under the prophylaxis of DON and zearalenon induced mycotoxicosis in young pigs.
Key words: DON, zearalenon, еkofiltrum, mycotoxicosis, pigs.
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