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State of vascular and platelet macrocirculatory homeostasis by pyometra in dogs
Diseases of the reproductive system in small animals are about 12-20% of the non-contagious disease, and recent years, the incidence of inflammation in the genitals increased by 45%. Among the diseases of the reproductive system of dogs is one of the first places are pyometra - 42.9%.
Pathogenetic criteria of pyometra in dogs, the definition of priority neglected, resulting mainly use surgical removal of the uterus.
Some studies found changes in some morphological and biochemical parameters of blood, and more recently the system cytokines. Also proved that the development of pyometra and surgical treatment of dogs in developing disseminated intravascular coagulation blood, which in turn leads to systemic disruption. This leads to further study the diagnostic and prognostic and pathogenetic significance of hemostasis, fibrinolysis and proteolysis by pyometra.
The aim – to determine the status of various stages of hemostasis by pyometra in dogs.
In dogs of different breeds and age (n=12) who received surgical clinic based on clinical data and results of ultrasonography set pyometra. In rich and poor platelets plasma of healthy (n=25) and sick dogs were tested for fibrinogen and its metabolites, activity fibrin stabilizing factor, prothrombin time, activated partial thromboplastin time, antithrombin III and protein S. Plasma fibrinolytic activity was investigated with simultaneous determination of total activity plasminogen and activity of tissue plasminogen activator.
It was established that the development of pyometra in bitches accompanied by hyperactivation of all parts of the hemostatic system, which is compounded deficit primarily plasma coagulation factors and natural anticoagulants due to their adsorption on the membranes of platelets from depressed activity of physiological fibrinolysis. The first time the pathogenetic criteria, previously known for pyometra in bitches DIC, which are based mechanisms coagulopathy associated with activation of vascular-platelet hemostasis that must be considered, especially for the surgical treatment of sick animals.
Formation of pyometra in bitches accompanied by the development of coagulopathy in the form disseminated intravascular coagulation blood hypercoagulability transition stage to the stage hypocoagulation.
Pathogenetic mechanisms of DIC for pyometra in females caused by activation of vascular-platelet hemostasis.
Laboratory criteria for DIC pyometra is the appearance in plasma cleavage products of fibrin / fibrinogen, prothrombin time and prolongation of activated partial thromboplastin time, decrease the activity of tissue plasminogen activator.
Key words: hemostasis, DIC, pyometra, dog.
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