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Study on impact deoxynivalenol on chicken cross adler silver and preventive action mikosorb
Problem. Deoxynivalenol (DON, vomitoxin) - tryhotetsenovyy mycotoxin group B, producing some fungi of the genus Fusarium, is one of the natural contaminants cereals. Due to frequent contamination of grain, especially during the distribution of Fusarium, DON is an important issue for many countries in Europe and America. Thus, according to the Committee of Experts FAO / WHO Don pollution at a concentration of 0.001 to 5.7 mg / kg installed in 68% of samples of oats, 59 - barley, 57 - 41% and wheat - corn.
Analysis of recent research and publications. Information on the distribution of DON in grain in Ukraine is still too limited. However, in our neighboring North Caucasus region is constantly observed high levels of contamination of wheat (70%) lower corn (4.5%), barley (2%) and rye (1%) [3]. In addition, in 1977 with a significant spread Fusarium grains in Ukraine was in a lot of "few toxic Fusarium wheat", which mainly fed to cattle for fattening. With samples of wheat were allocated several strains of the fungus F. graminearum, which were found later, were producers DON and zearalenone. Especially active are strain 195/1 was used by us in these studies.
The aim - to study the effect of the toxin on health, weight and installation chicks changes in serum myocardium, liver and kidneys and protective action mikosorb.
Materials and methods research. In the experiment used the May 30-week-old broiler meat and egg breeds Adler silver, which was formed three groups of 10 each. Poultry kept in metal cages and consumed feed for broiler production "Ukrzoovetprompostach." Chickens first group once daily orally asked deoxynivalenol at a dose of 70 mg / kg body weight in 2 ml of 5% ethanol and complete feed. Chickens second group received the toxin in the same dose and consume feed supplemented with 2% mikosorb; chickens third group served as a control, consumed only full feed and received neither toxin and mikosorb.
For chickens have been continuously clinical observation into account their general condition and body weight were determined weekly. At the end of each week for three chickens from each group were sacrificed by decapitation and blood were taken for biochemical research and material (pieces of heart, liver and kidneys) - for histology. Serum samples were overall activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and its bone and intestinal isoenzymes method of Wagner, Putilin and Harabuhy; acid phosphatase (EC) - the reaction of 4-nitrofenilfosfatom, the content of total and ionized calcium - a reaction with Glyoxal bis-2 hidroksyanilom, inorganic phosphorus - reaction with ascorbic acid, total magnesium - from kalmahitom.
For histological examination of selected pieces of the heart, liver and kidneys were fixed 10% neutral formalin solution, dehydration and fill carried out by conventional methods, histozrizy stained with hematoxylin-eosin.
Deoxynivalenol adversely affect the development of chicks and caused weight loss in the experimental birds feed and feeding of mikosorb completely leveled the negative impact of the toxin. The toxin also affects the biochemical parameters of blood serum of chickens by changing the activity of enzymes and micronutrients. DON adversely affect the tissues of the heart, liver and kidney organs noted in granular protein and fatty degeneration.
Key words: deoxynivalenol, DON, vomitoxin, Fusarium graminearum, toxin, chickens, mycosorb.
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