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Therapeutic efficacy and immune-regulating effect of enrofloxacin in cows with endometritis with different methods of introduction
Studies were conducted at the Department of veterinary obstetrics and surgery and laboratory immunology playback mammals of Podilsky state agrarian-technical University. The objective was to study the therapeutic effectiveness and impact enrophloxacine on the indices of metabolic activity of neutrophils and phagocytosis body cows for endometritis, depending on the method of injection.
Analysis of immunocompetent cells on the tested parameters immunoreactivity body cows, patientsendometritis, revealed defects of the mechanisms of metabolic activity of neutrophils and phagocytosis body of experimental cows.
According to our data (NBT-test) in patients cows to treatment, compared to control was significantly increased (1,6 times) number of spontaneously activated neutrophils (p<0,01), which is typical for acute pyoinflammatory processes, and 1,5 times increased IAN (p<0,01) and 2 times CLІ (p<0,01). Additionally, patients cows statistically significant (p<0,01) decrease of phagocytic activity of neutrophils to the latex – 21,34+2,08 % and phagocytic number – 1,5 times (p<0,01), indicating antigen stress and risk of the development of autoimmune processes in the body.
This picture dysfunction phagocytosis suggests that the violation of the mechanisms of protection of organism of patients purulent endometritis in cows passes by type of secondary immunodeficiency.
Studies show that by the end of the treatment course of cow-convalescents (group of D2 and D3) normalization of tested indicators of phagocytosis, and when regional introduced drugs given positive dynamics was more pronounced, which is confirmed by the significant difference (p<0,05) between the indicators of FA FH in research groups.
Thus, the carried out researches have allowed to establish, that the parenteral use enrophloxacine no immune influence on an organism of the cows, but on the contrary helps his immunorehabilitation. Accelerate the recovery of the tested organism immunological parameters cows group D3 can be explained by reduced single and course dose of the antibiotic, and also shorteninig a treatment period when regional(intra-arterial and around the vaginal) application.
At the end of the clinical experiment found out that the combined use of enrophloxacine-100, amiridinum 1 % and oestrophan proved to be an effective method of treatment of cows for endometritis.
Regional use of drugs has helped to significantly improve clinical and economic indicators of treatment, in comparison with its intra-arterial introduction: 10 % more cows recovered and 10 % increased their fertility, while spending on drugs decreased by 35 %. Combined regional application enrophloxacine-100, oestrophan and amiridinum 1 % are an effective method of treatment of cows for purulent endometritis, clinical and economic indicators are higher than in intramuscular introduced drugs.
Thus, intra-arterial and around the vaginal introduction enrophloxacine, as a method of rational antibiotic therapy of cows for purulent endometritis, to improve efficiency and reduce the duration of treatment, to reduce one-time and the course doses of the drug, and prevent unwanted side effects of chemotherapy, to accelerate immunerehabilitation body sick cows.
Key words: cow, puerperal period, immune status, reactivity, purulent endometritis, regional introduction, phagocytos, rational аntibiotic therapy.
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