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Clinical and hematological status of dog poisoning by zookumaryn

According to the results of laboratory studies of blood dogs that were poisoned anticoagulant zookumaryn, it was found that
only the relative number of basophils was normal and did not exceed 1 % of the total number of leukocytes. However, the relative
proportion of eosinophils was reduced – 2,55±0,53 % (rate of 3–9 %), which may indicate the presence of disease in the body of dogs
with acute or severe intoxication course that obviously, they were present at the time.
Also note that in dogs with signs of poisoning noted the leukocytosis – 13,2±0,95 g/l, which is 25,7 % more than the upper limit
of the physiological norm (10,5 g/l).
Number of band neutrophils was higher by 3 % compared with the upper limit of normal (6 %) and amounted to 9,1±0,63 %. That is, in
this case there was a simple shift of the nucleus, which is typical for the acute course of the disease, including and poisoning.
Number of segmented neutrophils was also increased and averaged 76,0±1,90 %, which is 6 % more than the upper limit of
normal (43–70 %). Obviously, a small neytrofiliya by increasing the number of segmented neutrophils in the background a slight
white blood cell count (which was in this case) is observed in acute poisoning animals.
However the number of lymphocytes, the main function of which is involved in immune reactions and phagocytic activity, in
contrast,  was  below  normal  (21–40  %)  and  amounted  to  only  13,5±0,83  %.  That  is,  in  dogs  by  poisoning  zookumaryn
lymphocytopenia observed that neytrofiliyа occurs on a background of acute septic processes.
Important  in  the  diagnosis  of  poisoning  is  the  definition  of  biochemical  tests,  changes  which  directly  indicate  the  state  of
internal organs that are affected most, including the pancreas.
Established that α-amylase activity was quite high, as averaged 2903,8±177,34 U/l (2158–3664 U/L), exceeding the upper limit
(1750 U/L) by 66 %. Hyperenzymemia α-amylase for developing pancreatitis, liver, hepatitis and other diseases [8]. That is, on the
one hand it can be assumed, on the other - to confirm that for poisoning dogs zookumarynom they most affected pancreas and liver.
Proof of this can be to determine serum activity indicator enzymes – alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase
According to the research activity in patients with AST dogs was 650,9±72,66 U/L (368,5–950,8 U/l), which 26 times higher
than the maximum rate (less than 25 U/L). A similar pattern was observed with ALT activity. Indicators far exceeded its normal (10–
55 U/L) has averaged 407,9±56,37 U/L (241 687 U/L) that 7,4 times the upper limit (55 U/L) standards.
Another enzyme activity in serum which may indicate liver disease is HHTP (gamma hlutamiltranspeptydaza). This enzyme has
the highest activity in hepatocytes, endothelium of the biliary tract, pancreas and kidney tubules.  For poisoning dogs zookumaryn
activity of this enzyme, as earlier, was also high – 11,65±0,44 U/L (10–13,7), almost twice more than the top rate standards (6 U/L).
Another  enzyme  activity  which  increases  by  only  cholestasis  is  alkaline  phosphatase.  It  would  seem  that,  as  was  established  by  a
considerable hyperenzymemia HHTP, which is a sign of the hepatobiliary system in patients animals, and alkaline phosphatase activity also must
be high. However, the results of our investigations in cases of poisoning of the dogs occurred. Total alkaline phosphatase activity in serum sick
dogs did not exceed the norm (20–150 U/L) – 106,0±6,94 U/L (78,8–132,8 U/L).
Probably  for  this  pathological  process  activity  of  alkaline  phosphatase  is  only  at  the  stage  of  growth,  as  evidenced  by  the
following  laboratory  blood  tests  conducted  one  week  after  receiving  the  initial  data  when  post-treatment  serum  dog  has  been  a
marked increase in activity of this enzyme.
For  poisoning  broken  bilirubinosyntezuvalna  function  of  hepatocytes.  The  concentration  of  total  bilirubin  in  patients  dogs
ranged from 5,3 to 16,4 mmol/l and averaged 9,86±2,0 mmol/l, which is significantly higher than the optimal value (0,4–5,4 mmol/l)
and evidence of significant hyperbilirubinemia, which are known to occur on parenchymatous hepatitis, hepatodystrophy cirrhosis.
Proof of that is affected by the poisoning of animals and pancreas, the level of glucose in the experimental dogs. In particular,
sick  animals  content  in  the  blood  was  5,0±0,35  mmol/l,  which  is  10,2  %  more  than  the  upper  limit  of  normal  (4,5  mmol/l).
Hyperglycemia installed in 88,9 % of dogs.
Typically  toxic  poisons  adversely  impact  not  only  on  the  bodies  listed  above,  but  also  on  the  kidneys.  In  particular,  their
filtration and excretory functions that define the contents of creatinine and urea.
The content in serum creatinine was normal – 97,9±6,74 mmol/l. Perhaps for poisoning zookumaryn filtration renal function
does not undergo significant changes.
Quite the opposite was found in the determination of urea in the blood. The concentration depends on the intensity of synthesis
and excretion. Therefore, it is important to determine the diagnostic test as the liver, where it is synthesized, and the kidneys, through
which it is derived.
According to the results of laboratory studies found that almost all blood samples (8 of 9) Number of urea was greater than the
upper limit of normal (8 mmol/l) – 8,7±0,25 mmol/l (8,1–9, 6). That is for acute toxicity in dogs is still disturbed excretory function
of the kidneys.
Patients dog set hypoproteinemia, which was found in 100 % of animals – 38,3±2,54 g/l, which is 64,7 % less than the lower
limit of the physiological norm (not less than 60 g/l). As you know, hypoproteinemia in animals may occur in nephrotic syndrome,
pancreatitis, by blood loss, enteritis, starvation and other causes. Signs of some of them were installed above.
Key words: zookumaryn, hypoproteinemia, bilirubinemia, hyperenzymemia, alkaline phosphatase, α-amylase.

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