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Immunoreactivity sheep body to the action of anthrax vaccine strain of animals with Bacillus anthracis UA-07 "Antravak"
Among infectious animal diseases one of the dangerous is anthrax. Despite a sufficient number of prevention (vaccines), each year a large number of anthrax outbreaks in many countries. The large number of stationary points, disadvantaged bears the potential threat of epizootic and epidemiological complications.
The system of prevention of disease is a major element of vaccination of animals. The process of immunization of animals is a proven tool in the fight against infectious diseases and even their elimination. However, some authors argue that despite the significant number of actively immunized animals, the relative number of deaths did not decrease.
Unfortunately, today in Ukraine the existing range of preventive measures against anthrax cannot get rid of this disease. In this respect, it should be remembered about the large number of old graves of animals suffering from anthrax. In this regard, the issue of developing specific prevention tools is extremely relevant in terms ant epizootic prosperity in Ukraine.
The aim is to study the dynamics of formation anthrax antibodies in the serum of sheep immunized with the new vaccine against anthrax domestic animal strain of Bacillus anthracis UA-07 "Antravak."
To study the animals they were divided by age in groups: 3–6 months age (group 1), 6–12 months age (2nd group) and adults (over 12 months old) animals (3rd part). The animals were injected subcutaneously recommended for vaccination vaccine doses from 3 to 6 months of age – 0,3sm3; over 6 months age – 0,5sm3. Sheep control groups subcutaneously instead of animal anthrax vaccine strain of Bacillus anthracis UA-07 "Antravak" enter sterile saline in a volume corresponding doses of vaccine.
The obtained results indicate that the serum of experimental animals to vaccination was found low anthrax antibody (1:10 in animals and groups of animals in 1:15 and 1:25 of the second to the third group of animals). In particular, it should be noted weakly expressed maternal immunity in animals of the first group (log2= 3,32) and remaining active post-vaccination immunity from prior vaccination of animals in group II (log2 = 3,82 ± 0,18).
After 21 days of vaccination, observed significant increase (p<0,001) serum antibody anthrax all age groups in the credits: the animals of group – to log2 = 8,32, II group – to log2 = 8,57 ± 0,18, III – to log2 = 8,61 ± 0,02.
Eventually, after 3 months after administration of the vaccine in sheep and titers of antibodies anthrax not changed. Animals II and III groups recorded a downward trend (0,25 and 0,15 log2, respectively). Indicators of antibody levels after vaccination were significantly higher (p<0,001) than in received the vaccination. Animals in the control group during the next period of research antibodies detected.
Serum sheep I, II and III groups, taken after 6 months after vaccination titers of specific antibodies continued to decline.
It should be noted that anthrax titers of antibodies in the serum of sheep from third group were higher compared with the figures I and II groups (0,06 and 0,39 log2 respectively).
Later, in 1 year after vaccination, antibody levels declined anthrax. In the third group of sheep titers were higher compared with the figures and animals (at 0,79 log2) and II (on 0,29 log2) groups were significantly higher (p<0,001) than in antibody titers obtained before vaccination.
Comparison anthrax level of antibodies in the serum of sheep immunized with a vaccine against anthrax strain of animals from Bacillus anthracis UA-07 "Antravak" indicates that the vaccine caused their formation significantly higher in the third group of animals (over 12 months old).
The research found that the vaccine against anthrax strain of animals from Bacillus anthracis UA-07 "Antravak" caused anthrax raising antibodies in sheep of all age groups, especially in the third. The lowest anthrax antibody synthesis was in the group of animals and vaccination which was carried out in 3– 6 months of age.
Key words: anthrax, vaccine, antibody, titers, prevention, sheep.
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