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Morphometry of the heart of the calves of the black and white breed in dependence on the type of autonomous regulation of the cardiac rhythm
In the work on the basis of complex studies with the help of zootechnical, anatomical, morphometric and statistical methods, the features of the structure and the organometric parameters of the heart of calves of black and white breeds, their morphological status depending on the type of autonomous regulation of the heart rhythm are established. It has been established that the integrating influence of the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the autonomic nervous system, mediated through appropriate types of autonomic regulation of the heart rhythm, predetermines the features of the heart structure. Telochki with different types of autonomic regulation of the heart rhythm (sympathicotonic, normotonic, parasympathetic) are characterized by corresponding indicators of the mass of the heart and its individual parts, as well as various linear dimensions.
Key words: heifers, morphometry, sympathicotonic, normotonic, parasympatheticotonia, nerous system, heart, heart rhythm, heart mass.
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