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Tissue preparations as an eff ective means of correction of sexual cyclicalityof infertile cows in the conditions of forest-steppe zone in Zhytomyr region
Implementation of the latest technologies of animal reproduction causes changes in the life of their body and infl uences the manifestation of sexual cyclicity. As a result, one of the main tasks of specialists of veterinary medicine is the elimination of infertility of cows and heifers and improvement of methods of regulation of their reproductive functions. In recent years, in veterinary medicine for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes individually or in combination with other agents during pregnancy, in the postpartum period for gynecological diseases, to stimulate the functions of the sexual apparatus of animals, and their farming to improve productivity eff ectively used biogenic stimulators, that are made of tissues and organs of animals and plants – tissue preparations. But remain changes of the sexual apparatus of infertile cows are not studied in their use. Therefore, the purpose of the research was to study the eff ect of tissue preparations in a complex with ihglukovit for the correction of the sexual cycle of the infertile cows in the conditions of forest-steppe in Zhytomyr region.
It has been found that the using tissue preparations make from the liver and placenta and ihglukovit for cows, time successful insemination was minimal and was 47.0±5.11 days. We also observed a positive eff ect on the usefulness of the fl ow of the sexual cycle when used in complex tissue preparations from the liver and placenta, as a consequence of infertility in the cow was of 17.00±1.14 days. As all experienced animals received ihglukovit, and the period of occurrence of complete sexual cycle and the eff ectiveness of insemination of cows was diff erent, then we assume that the changes in animals are due primarily to the infl uence of tissue preparations. We believe that the using of "placental" tissue preparation make from the uterus of pregnant cows with contents was the most eff ective, because it includes biologically active substances that are similar to the sexual apparatus of a cow. Analyzing the obtained results, we recommend to apply the tissue preparation liver, placenta and ihglukovit at a dose of 20 cm3 per animal, three times with an interval of 8-10 days to correct the sexual cycle of cattle and prevention of infertility.
Key words: biogenic stimulant, tissue preparation, ihglukovit, reproduction, sexual cycle, infertility, cows.
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