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The application efficiency of Geocide disinfectantin pigs production
The investigations showed that in all sectors of piglets production, there was a marked microbic background of various microorganisms association – of bacterial, viral and fungal nature. According to the analysis of serial dissolutions of samples, the tentative contamination level was about 0,9–1,0 million of colony forming units per 1 cm2 of surface. After the treatment of air, surfaces of the premises and equipment in production sectors by means of disinfection preparation used in the farms, the number of microorganisms in the samples decreased by 4–5 times. These contamination levels exceeded considerably the norms for production premises. One of the investigated disinfectants for control was sodium hydroxide of 2,0 % concentration. After treatment of air and equipment surfaces by 0,5 % water solution of Geocide, the level of microbial contamination decreased during 60 min by 40000–100000 times (number of colony forming units was 9–32 cm2 ).
After treatment of premises by 0,5 % solution of Geocide, there was no essential change in microclimate indexes. After treatment of premises by sodium hydroxide, the air humidity increased to 77,0 %, which was caused by moisture on the surfaces. These data confirmed the bactericidal effect of surfaces disinfection by these disinfectants in the presence of piglets. With exposure of 1 hour they decontaminated the test objects and surfaces, which did not contacted with animals during the treatment. In swabs from the floor, equipment, walls, feeders surfaces, a small number of microorganisms was detected in all samples. These microorganisms were discharged by the animals.
It was of some scientific and practical interest to investigate the duration of disinfection effect after one-time treatment by Geocide and comparison of animal deaths in this sector with analogical index in the sector treated by traditional disinfection method.
With this aim, the trials were carried out in two production sectors with air volume of 1000 m3. One of them (control sector) was on routine disinfection by 2,0 % sodium hydroxide. The experimental sector was disinfected one time by aerosol of 0,5 % Geocide solution (150 ml per 1m3 of space without animals). 120 animals were located back to the sector 24 hours after disinfection.
The one time aerosol application of Geocide allows reducing by two times the animal losses in the production sector (the monitoring period was 60 days) compared to analogous control data. At the same time, the piglet mortality in the sector treated by conventional technology was observed on the 5–7th day after animals location.
The economical aspects of our disinfection method contain considerable time reduction of disinfection works, reduction of personnel in this sector and qualitative improvement of microbial background in the premises. Application of Geocide and disinfectants without formaldehyde, chlorine-containing compounds and alkali will inevitably lead to improvement of biological status of animals, which in its turn will have positive impact on profitability of their fattening.
Moreover, the low toxicity of the preparation allows its application in the presence of animals and for water disinfection. This will considerably increase the disinfection efficiency and improve the indexes “price-quality”.
Thus, the aerosol disinfection of air, working surfaces in the production sector, equipment by Geocide allows achieving qualitative disinfection of a typical animal farm in conditions high contamination levels by pathogenic and opportunistic microflora.
The research results showed that Geocide, according to its immunopharmacological characteristics, had no negative immunotropic impact on the system of actively phagocytizing mononuclear cells and the cells-predecessors and has no contraindication to application in pigs production as sanation measure.
Thus, the investigations show a sufficient clinical safety level of Genocide preventive application for pig production.
Key words: disinfection, bactericidal, insecticide, Geocide, humidity, microflora, blood morphology, phagocytic index, phagocytic number, immune potential.
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