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A comparision of different models of broiler chicken grows in the process of feeding with addition of argento-nanoaquachelat

A comparison of different models of growth of broiler chickens in their feed with added nanoakvahelata silver. Based on experimental data, the values of parameters of these models. It is shown that the most appropriate is the logistic model. Best describes the regression experiment , because it is based directly on experimental data. With traditional growth models closest to the experimental data, logistic model. It is better suited for small time intervals of broiler chickens. Over time, become the dominant model predictions Gompertz. Results obtained in this paper, the results fully confirm the theoretical calculations. When added to the diet of broiler chickens nanoakvahelat silver experimental data ahead predictions of traditional models rosta.Klyuchevye words: Broiler chickens, growth models nanoakvahelat silver.

Key words: broiler chickens, models of growth, argento-nanoaquachelat.

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