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The effectiveness of injectionales solution 1 % Vermik by the treatment of mixed intestinal nematodosis of pigs

This article gives an information about prevalence of mixed intestine nematodosis of swines, age dynamics and effectiveness by using foreign 1% injectionales solution of Vermik ,which has a wide range of action and belongs to antihelmintics of avermectin line in conditions ‘Fastivka’ in village Fastivka Bila Cerkva area the Kyiv Region.By the laboratory methods of researching was found that among nematodosis gastrointestinal channel of swines in different age and production groups the pathogens of askarosis (EІ = 50,56 %), trihurosis (EІ = 10,56 %) and oesofagostomosis (EІ = 18,33 %) appear the most often. The effectiveness of antihelmintic with wide range of action of macro cyclical line 1% Vermik (injectionales solution) for askarosis, trihurosis and oesofagostomosis (EE and ІE = 100,0 %) was established

Key words: antihelmint, Vermik 1 % injectionales solution, askarises, trihurises, esophagostomes, swines, mixed invasion.

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