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Epidemiological situation of Contagious caprine pleuropneumoniae in Tajikistan
Contagious carpine pleuropneumonia (CCPP) characterized by croupous pneumonia and serous-fibrinous pleurisy. The disease is common in more than 30 countries in Africa and Asia. According to the World Organization for Animal Health (OIE), the disease causes serious economic losses in East Africa and the Middle East, where it is endemic.
For the first time in 25 years, beginning from 2009 in Tajikistan, at risk of contracting CCPP is a population of 500,000 goats. The disease control is carried out by the State Veterinary Supervision Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Population of 500,000 goats is under the risk of contracting CCPP in Tajikistan/ It is beginning in 2009 for the first time in 25 years. The disease control is carried out by the State Veterinary Supervision Service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tajikistan, to evaluate the spread of carpine contagious pleuropneumonia in disadvantaged areas, to establish factors contributing to the manifestation of the disease.
Clinical and pathoanatomical signs of CCPP were detected in goats in disadvantaged farms, an epizootic analysis of the incidence of susceptible animals was carried out, factors that acted on the territory of farms where the disease was repeated seasonally were identified.
In 2010 and 2011 some cases of goats and sheep were reported from some farms in the Kulyab region. The disease began with a sudden increase in body temperature in goats to 41-42 ° C. Animals were oppressed, sluggishly moved, lagged behind the herd, retired, lost appetite. They developed thirst, cough at first dry and loud, and subsequently – wet. At the same time, serous, and then muco-purulent discharge from the nose appeared. In the lungs, initially vesicular, and then bronchial breathing, bronchial noises and wet wheezing were audited. When pressing on the intercostal spaces of the chest, the animals reacted painfully. In the future, the condition of the diseased goats deteriorated strongly, they stood motionless with their head lowered and moved slowly during the run. The cough was prolonged, wet and painful. There was an abundant discharge from the nose of a serous-mucous nature. The body temperature reached a maximum (41-42,8 °C). in the herd, up to 80% of animals were ill.
We conducted post mortem studies of the dead animals. During autopsy of the goat corpus we revealed characteristic pathologic anatomical signs of contagious pleuropneumonia: draining lobar pneumonia, in the lungs we observed foci with a peculiar mottled (mosaic) coloration with a predominance of gray-red areas, fibrin accumulation in the affected lung tissues, serosic-fibrinous pericarditis, congestion serous fluid in the pericardial cavity and a picture of the so-called "hairy" heart.
Mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, larynx and trachea were hyperemic, a foamy liquid of a yellowish-red color was released. The mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract was catarrally inflamed, with hemorrhages. The spleen was enlarged, the edges were rounded, the kidneys were swollen, under the capsule, spotted hemorrhages were observed, the liver was blood-filled, with signs of dystrophy.
The material from dead goat corpses was delivered to the International Reference Laboratory (CIRAD, Montpellier, Lyon, France) where the diagnosis of CCPP was confirmed. The pathogen of Mycoplasma mycoides (var. Capri) disease was isolated and identified from issue samples.
As a result of a retrospective epizootic survey, it was found that an outbreak in began in the autumn 2010 and up to January 31, 2011, 57% of the goats' population died or was forced slaughted. Analysis of the chronology and geography of CCPP outbreaks showed that the spread of the disease was facilitated by the distillation of goat herds. The movement of the herds provided contact between the source of the infections agent of the disease and susceptible animals. Cases of infection of healthy goats from infected goats purchased on other farms were also recorded.
Conclusions. 1. The causative agent of the contagious pleuropneumonia is isolated and identified in the goat farms of Tajikistan.
2. The spread of the disease can cause big economic losses to the goat breeding of Tajikistan, so limiting the movement of goats from outbreak regions, mass vaccination of goats in zones along the distillation routes to create buffer zones (the disease-resistant population area) will be an important step in controlling CCPP.
3. It is advisable to organize serological surveillance, which can be useful for identifying reservoirs of CCPP. At the state level, it is necessary to create a program for effective control of the contagious carpine plevropneumonia in the Republic of Tadjikistan.
Key words: contagious goat-pleuropneumonia, goats, goat breeding, goat infectious diseases, Tajikistan, Mycoplasma mycoides (var. Capri).
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