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Epizootic situation of Toxoplasmosis in pets in Kyiv

The article еpizootic situation of parasitic diseases of pets in the major cities of Ukraine is complex and tends to worsen. presents statistical data on the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in the world. Laboratory diagnosis of particular polimerezna chain reaction allowed to estimate the prevalence of T. gondii infection among pets (cats and dogs), representing a potential danger to human infection. In addition, we studied the carriers of Toxoplasmosis parasite Toxoplasma gondii in pets in Kyiv and identify the main symptoms of this disease in pathological samples, environmental objects in a city taking into account the specific of residence and keeping of animals. Experimentally was confirmed the frequency of invasion Toxoplasma gondii in domestic carnivore.

Key words: epizootic situation, toxoplasmosis, a disease research dissemination.

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