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The indexes of animal's drinking water quality in the South biochemical zone of Ukraine
The main purpose of the investigation was to study the indexes of animal's drinking water quality in the South biochemical zone of Ukraine. The investigations were conducted during 2011/2012 years in four dairy farms of Dnipropetrovskiy and Kirovogradskiy regions.
The samples of the water that is used for watering the productive animals on the farms there were taken in two points (well and drinking appliances) during warm and cold seasons. The investigation of the water was held by the method of parallel samples. The evaluation of the results was conducted by comparing to State sanitary norms and rules.
There was established that as for chemical content the water in sampled farms mostly complied with State sanitary norms and rules. On some farms the quantity of the Calcium salt exceeded the normal level in 1.2–1.3 times, Sulfate content – in 4 times, Chlorides – in 1.3 times. On the farms where surface water is used its salt content do not change noticeably during the year ans is characterized by lower salt content.
Key words: water quality, farms, productive animals, biochemical zone, chemical water content.
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