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Influence of probiotic protection of mucous on ovarian function of lactating cows

Introduction in countries with developed cattle breeding industrial technology of milk production has led to the fact that dairy cows are constantly kept in an artificially created environment where exposed to chronic anthropogenic stress. Such conditions cows cause a substantial reduction in the natural resistance that impairs animal health and has a negative effect on productivity and fertility. Against this background of lactating cows are very sensitive to the influence of pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic associations of microorganisms for the intensive propagation of which the conditions of industrial cattle-breeding complexes with high concentration of livestock, creating a comfortable environment.

Numerous studies in recent years have shown significant incidence of mixed infections of viral and bacterial etiology, which form artificial paratrophyc microbiocenosis industrial livestock facilities. Today the economy of animal husbandry was crucial right strategy veterinary measures in paratroop: prevention should be aimed at limiting the possibility of expanding the number of pathogens new followers and exacerbating their virulence.

Among the appropriate ways recently topical use of probiotics that protect and optimize the stability of the micro flora of the skin, mucous tissues and of the organism as a whole, and in cases of dysbiosis is to restore normal flora.

In recent years, in the literature the data of numerous studies on the positive effect of probiotics in the composition of the feed on the activity of the digestive system and enhance growth of young animals. But questions about the impact of the symbiotic micro flora on mucous membranes of the reproductive tract and sexual function productive animals remain not studied.

Therefore, the aim of our scientific work experience was to study the effect of feed probiotic preparation on the basis of lacto- and bifidobacteria on the morphogenesis l state of the ovaries of lactating cows under dairy complex. For implementation goals were set and solved the following tasks:

− definition by washing transit feed main milking herd prior to and after giving feed probiotic (control period of the formation of the metabolically active gastrointestinal tract of the normal flora of mucous membranes);

− diagnosis rectal palpation and pathological functional formations of the gonads of cows by using the cyclic method.

− establish linkages between the process of normalization mucous membranes of the digestive tract and the formation of mutagenesis in the ovaries of cows.

Scientific production the research was conducted in 2016 in conditions typical of a dairy complex of industrial type (Odessa region), where groups of cows – analogs of the Ukrainian red dairy breed with productivity of 5.000 kg of milk on average per lactation.

As probiotic protection was used by domestic drug Agrobiobac, containing a live symbiotic culture (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum) with a titer of biomass not less than 107 cells/ml, and the products of their metabolism. The way the application meets the requirements of the instructions of the manufacturer (OOO "Ukrproduct") as a method of evaluating the transit of feed through the three sieves.

The results of the monitoring studies showed a significant positive effect on the reproductive function of cows feeding forage probiotic drug "Agrobiobac". It is established that in lactating cows after the process of normalization mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract (experience – 22 days after the beginning of any cultures of lactobacilli and bifid bacteria in the ration), there was a significant (7 fold) decrease in the manifestations of putlog of the gonads in comparison with the control (without probiotic). Experienced cows marked improvement of the morphogenesis status of the ovaries:
56 % of females by palpation (in vivo) the presence of yellow bodies cycle and ovulatory follicles (control – 34 %).

In the experience of feeding live probiotic cultures as part of a diet not only improved transit feed, which decreased to 17 % (in the control undigested feed residues in the manure was up to 36 %), but also gave additional bio – productive effect of optimizing the reproductive function of lactating cows.

Key words: cows, ovaries, follicular cysts, polycystic disease, probiotic cultures, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum, normalization, the transit of food.

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