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Liver structure of some species of freshwater fish
The most essential factors, which determine productive qualities of fish are processes, which are related with feed of gidrobiontes. One of the most substantial connections of organism is carried out with an environment throunh the consumption of forange. Character of feed is specific property of finfishess. Every object of growing, coming from biological features, requires certain amount and correlation valuable an albumen, fat, carbonhydratess and mineral matters for the normal existance. This investigation showed that different fish species have distinct liver anatomic-topographic and organoleptic parameters. Belonging to definite taxonomic group stated to have no influence on anatomic liver and pancreas differentiation. Accordimg to our investigation, detached glands is presented in siluridae, while cyprinidae and percidae posses hepatopancreas.
Key words: liver, pancreas, hepatopancreas, liver plates, central vein, liver lobule, hepatocyte, pancreatocyte, morphometry.
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