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Sanitary-hygenic and bacteriological production of cow full-milk control

In the article кontaminatsiyu of milk is set by a pathogenic microflora which causes not only inflammation of suckling gland but also food poisonings of people. In accordance with the European requirements, the considerable increase of norms of quality of milk (DSTU 3662–97 with changes in 2007) requires the revision of normative base of efficiency of technology of his receipt and primary processing. The informing enough and reliable index of determination of efficiency of sanitization and normative cleanness of milking equipment and suckling tableware is a title of enterococcus. Accordingly widely in-use presently to that end the title of coliformss has low effectiveness and is not quite justified.

Key words: KMAFAnM, title of BGKP, title of enterococcus, norm of cleanness, milking equipment, subclinical mastitis, pathogenic microorganisms.

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