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Some propagates of protein-lipid exchange and functional state of liver in kurchat-broilers for the use of "animal health"
The purpose of research. To study the influence of the veterinary medicine "Animal Abet" (solution for oral use, production of PJSC "Technolog", Uman) on some indicators of protein and lipid metabolism and functional state of the liver in chicken broilers.
Material and methods of research. Experimental studies were conducted in 2017 on the stock of Cobb-500 cross-bird kept in the conditions of the educational and production center of the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University.
The material for the study was 2,800 chicken broilers, divided into two cereals: control and experimental, with 1,400 heads in each. Clinical and biochemical studies were conducted on 20 chickens of each group.
The drug was started out from the 12-day age for 7 days, followed by a seven-day break, after which the bird again received the drug for a week at a dose of 1 ml/liter of water.
Blood for examination was selected by the method of peritoneal subcutaneous vein puncture. Laboratory research was carried out on the basis of the interdisciplinary laboratory of the Biomarket Bila Tserkva NAU. The blood was examined before the introduction of the first and second periods of the drug. In the blood serum, the content of total protein was determined – the biuret reaction, albumin – with bromocresol green (TU U 24.4-24607793-019-2003, reg. Certificate No. 2217/2003), the activity of AsAT, AlAT and GGT was investigated as indicators of functional state of the liver – the kinetic method (TU U 24.4-24607793-017-2003, reg. certificate number 2216/2003), the content of total lipids by reaction with sulfofosfuvanovalinovym reagent, cholesterol – with 4-aminophenazone, uric acid – an enzymatic reaction (TU U 24.4-24607793- 020-2003, certificate of registration No. 2219/2003). All of the above-mentioned procedures were performed with the reagents of the Research Institute of Physics-based Diagnostics using the semi-automatic biochemical analyzer Stat Fax 1904+ (serial number 1904-5040) (Tsvilikhovsky et al., 2010). The results of the studies were statistically counted using the Excel 2016 program.
Chickens of all groups fed feed, provided by a technological card for the use of cross-bird, which included starter, growth and fattening periods.
The use of the Vitamin-Amino Acid Complex "Animal Abut" produced by PJSC "Technolog", Uman, at a dose of
1 ml / l of water, has been shown to have a positive effect on protein metabolism, as evidenced by a significantly higher content (+ 21.8%, p<0,01; 35,3±1,81 g/l) of total protein, albumin (24,9 %; 33,3±1,65 g/l; p<0,01) in chicken broilers at the end of the experiment ( 32 days) A similar pattern was noted within each experimental group during the experiment. The activity of non-specific liver enzymes (AsAT, AlAT, GGT) has not undergone significant changes, which makes it impossible to manifest the toxic effect of the Animal Abduction on the functional state of the liver.
Two-fold injection of the drug resulted in the optimization of the final product of uric acid, as indicated by a decrease
(–32,2 %; p<0,05) of its content in the blood serum of broiler chickens in the experimental group (0,42±003 mmol/l), comparing with the control group (0,62±0.04 mmol/l).
The exchange of lipids showed that their total concentration varied in the bird of the experimental group in each experiment period as follows: at the beginning it was – 18,1±0,77 g/l, in 19 days it was noted decrease to 14,6,±,0, 94 (–19,3 %; p<0,05) and at the end of the experiment (second release, 32-day bird) increased somewhat with the indicator of the previous period and amounted to 15,2±0.74 g/l.
The prospect of further research is the study of the drug Abetka for animals produced by PJSC "Technologist", Uman, on the indices of vitamin and mineral metabolism in the chickens of the meat production direction.
Key words: broiler chickens, vitamin-amino acid complex, total protein, albumin, uric acid, AsAT, AlAT, GGT, total lipids, cholesterol, broiler chickens.
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