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Use of improved methods for determining the quality of salted and marinated mushrooms for their veterinary and sanitary evaluation
Vegetable products – an essential component of human nutrition. Food value of vegetable production is that due to the nutrient content of energy costs offset body; they are a source of muscle energy, regulate blood sugar, renew glycogen in the liver involved in restoring cells.
The main objective of Ukraine is State food staff service state control over the safety and quality of plant products. To ensure the safety and quality of crop production should express and improved new methods for determining the quality of mushrooms and their products for proper veterinary control. A radical solution to this issue can be achieved if the single production cycle – «from the field – to the table».
In modern literature not covered the issue of the development of new and improved methods for determining the quality and safety of mushrooms and their products. In the world of science and practice in recent years rapidly developing methods and techniques for determining the quality and safety of plant products, which makes it possible to apply a set of special laboratory studies conducted by specialists of veterinary medicine at the facilities for the production of canned mushrooms, agricultural markets, wholesale depots and so on.
Purpose – to develop improved methods for determining the mass fraction of sodium chloride and total acidity in salty marinade and mushrooms for carrying out their veterinary and sanitary evaluation.
The developed methods have improved reliability in the definitions 99.7–99.8 %, they are economical on preparation of reagents, comfortable to hold and can be used in combination along with other methods of determining the quality of salted and marinated mushrooms in government laboratories and veterinary laboratories, veterinary and sanitary expertise in agricultural markets.
For research use canned mushrooms ofdomestic production, realized in supermarkets and salted and pickled mushrooms that realized entities on agricultural markets of 48 samples of the following species: white mushrooms – 11 samples; butter – 8 samples; mushrooms – 8 samples; real chanterelles – 7 samples; mushrooms – 14 samples.
For veterinary and sanitary evaluation salted and marinated mushrooms have developed improved methods for determining the mass fraction of sodium chloride and total acidity of the brine and marinade in salted and marinated mushrooms that have credibility in terms respectively – 99.7 and 99.8 %, which can be used in determining the quality of the product in a production laboratory facilities for the production of canned mushrooms, government laboratories and veterinary laboratories in the veterinary and sanitary expertise on agricultural markets.
The method is based on determining the quantitative indicators of mass fraction of sodium chloride in the salt and pickled mushrooms by changing the amount and concentration of reagents in the titration of dissolved chlorides in the brine or marinade sample in an amount of 2.5−2.6 cm3, which is diluted with distilled water in the ratio 1:10 silver nitrate solution with a mass concentration of 0.05 mol/dm3 0.5−0.6 cm3 in the presence of potassium chromate mass concentration of 2.5 % to the emergence of resistant orange color within 12−14 seconds and less sodium chloride content in percent the formula that will ensure reliability of the results in determining the quality of salted and marinated mushrooms.
Also, experimental research has developed an improved method for determining total acidity brines and marinades. The method is based on determining the quantitativ total acidity eindicators in the marinade of marinated mushrooms by changing the amount and concentration of reagents in the titration of acids in the sample of brine or marinade in amount 8.0−9.0 cm3, which is diluted with distilled water in a volumetric flask 100 sm3, sodium hydroxide with a mass concentration of 0.05 mol/dm3 in the presence of 0.1−0.2 cm3 tymolftaleyin alcohol solution with a mass concentration of 0.5 % at constant stirring to obtain a stable blue color that disappears within 10−11 seconds and less common acidity percentage formula that will ensure reliability of the results in determining the quality of salted and marinated mushrooms.
The data obtained design Patents for utility models Ukraine on № 109388, 109390 "Method of improving determine the total acidity in the marinad emarinated mushrooms", "Method of improving the definition of mass fraction of sodium chloride in the salt and pickled mushrooms".
In the future, further research neccessary conduct testing of improved methods for determining the mass fraction of sodium chloride and total acidity brines and marinades in salted and marinated mushrooms of different species in a laboratory Ukraine teststandard and develop a national standard for data quality control methods of canned mushrooms.
Previously studied samples of mushrooms were studied organoleptic (color, smell, texture) and the complex physical and chemical research: determining the mass fraction of impurities vegetable and mineral additives. Also, a study was conducted to establish the mass fraction of sodium chloride and total acidity in salty marinade and pickled mushrooms on developed advanced methods.
Key words: safety, quality, salted and marinated mushrooms, veterinary-sanitary estimation.
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