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Improvement of the probiotic cultures method isolation from freshly extracted honey
The study of probiotic microorganisms isolated from bee honey has recently become widespread in the world and is of great interest both for the prevention and treatment of bee diseases, and as a source of probiotics for the design of drugs useful for humans and animals. However, no studies have been conducted to study the duration of probiotic bacteria storage in honey after it has been pumped out of the combs. Three types of honey (acacia, sunflower and multi-herb) were studied to determine the intensity of growth of probiotic bacteria on the first, second, third and fourth day after pumping, as well as after storing honey for 6 months in sealed honeycombs. Honey samples were prepared in dilution with MRS broth, sown on a solid nutrient medium, the results were recorded after 48 hours by counting colonies of different species. Selected cultures were characterized by cultural, morphological and biochemical properties. It was established that bacteria are released during the first 3 days after honey is pumped out, on the other hand, on the 4th day of storage, there is no growth of probiotic bacteria, which indicates the impossibility of obtaining them. The prospect of using honey of any different botanical origin for the isolation of probiotic bacteria has been proven. A study of honey stored in sealed honeycombs for 6 months confirmed the hypothesis that normal flora bacteria with probiotic properties are stored in honeycombs for a long time and can be used for their isolation, identification and further use. In the course of the study, the method of isolating bacteria of the normal flora of the intestine of bees, namely Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Enterococcus faecium from freshly extracted honey, was improved and developed.
Key words: normal flora, probiotic bacteria, freshly squeezed honey, Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium bifidum, Enterococcus faecium.
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