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Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in bootstrap_table() (line 238 of /var/www/html/sites/all/themes/bootstrap/templates/system/table.func.php).Postdehelmintic changes in the pigs with metastronhilozis after deworming with univerm
Metastronhilosis infestation in pig farms in Ukraine is widespread. Economic losses consist of animal deaths, a loss of a significant amount of pork that is the result of stunted growth of young pigs and weight loss of adult pigs. The death of animals from metastronhilosis ranges from 8-30 to 100%. According to scientific literature in pigs with metastronhilosis there were observed depletion, reduced body weight and after slaughter they utilized a significant amount of lungs affected with worms. Important measures against metastronhilosis invasion are the developing and improving methods of deworming according to the pigs' age and the special features of the enzootic situation.
Therefore, the main aim of the work was to develop efficient treatment schemes metastrohilosis on pig farms with the use of the univerm, given its metastronhilocydic properties.
Based on the clinical and research results there were selected 20 piglets 2.5 months of age, infested with metastronhiloides. The animals were divided into 2 equal groups. Piglets of experimental group were treated with 0.2% of univerm at a dose 0.0015 g of AM/kg twice with an interval of 24 hours. Animals in the control group did not receive antihelmintics. Clinical, hematological and biochemical blood tests were carried out before de-worming, as well as on 10, 30 and 60 day thereafter. Using standard methods there were determined the total number of red blood cells, white blood cells, hemoglobin in one erythrocyte, color index, and performed differential leukocyte count. Serum samples were tested for total protein refractometrically, protein fractions – by turbidymetryc method, the number of antibodies – with colorimetric method, the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) – by the method of Reitman and Frankel.
Taking into account the results of helmintologic research of the pigs of different age and the spontaneous course of the diseases, mainly characterized by constant repeated invasions, we expected the deworming effect on animals in the control and in the experimental groups by metastrongile of varying degree of differentiation. During this period the state of the pigs' organism of both groups did not differ significantly in terms of the studied parameters. As the results of clinical investigations the following signs were observed in all pigs – tachypnea, mixed breathlessness, predominantly abdominal breathing, hollow, painless cough, thick white-yellow leakage from the nasal openings. During auscultation there were found small-vesicles moist rales, pathological bronchial breathing.
Postdehelmintic changes in the body of pigs liberated from metastronhilosis were characterized by improved clinical status, liver function, hematopoiesis, reduced intensity of inflammation in the respiratory organs and the level of allergisation by metastronhiloze antigens and increased nonspecific resistance. On the 60th day after deworming there were found increased number of red blood cells (up to 6,5 ± 0,18 T/l), decreased hemoglobin (up to 111,0 ± 1,45 g l), a trend to normalization of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte (17,2 ± 0,55 PG) and color index (1,15 ± 0,04), decreased white blood cell count (up to 15,8 ± 0,46 g/l), stab neutrophils (up to 6,8 ± 0,63%), monocytes (up to 6,8 ± 0,55%) and eosinophils (up to 4,0 ± 0,42%), increased serum total protein (up to 69,0 ± 1, 7 g/l), immunoglobulin (up to 19,5 ± 0,77 g/l) and albumin (to 28,6 ± 0,7 g/ml) and decreased activity of AST (up to 260,0 ± 13,6 mmol/l) and AlAt (up to 423,33 ± 26,4 mmol/l).
This indicated the development of body inflammatory response on infestation and stimulation of mononuclear system of pigs. The elevated levels of allergisation under the influence of metabolic action of metastronhils on the body of experimental and control pigs was indicated by eosinophilia (6,2 ± 0,55 and 6,0 ± 0,75%), since the number of eosinophils was increased and the neutralization of histamine level that was increased due to the development of an allergic reaction. We interpreted the results of the presented research, as evidence of the deterioration of the body of pigs in the control group due to the development of pathological process under metastronhilotic and dehelmintic influence on animals. After that there was noticed gradual rehabilitation of the body of affected animals. These clinical studies showed a gradual recovery of pigs fed with univerm. At the same time general condition and performance of the control animals noticeably deteriorated. Increased number of red blood cells, decreased hemoglobin, the trend towards normalization of hemoglobin in one erythrocyte and color index showed that the animals liberated from metastronhils in their body restored the blood functions. These, in turn, helped to improve lung function and respiratory supply of oxygen to the tissue. The opposite situation was observed in the body of control pigs. There was noted a tendency to increase the amount of hemoglobin concentration in one erythrocyte and color index. So, the effectiveness of anthelmintics depends on the correct choice of the scheme of its application. The appropriate aim for further research would be metastronhilotic properties that would allow to develop differentiated schemes of its application for pigs metastronhilotic invasion.
In conclusion, the feeding of 0.2% univerm, twice, with 24 h intervals at a dose of 0.00015 AM/kg leads to the recovery of the clinical condition, hematopoietic system, the functional state of the liver and the increase of nonspecific resistance of the pigs.
Key words: metastronhilosis, metastronhilosic pneumonia, univerm, postdehelmintic changes in the body, nonspecific resistance, the liver condition.
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