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Monitoring of protozozoal diseases of pond fish and veterinary-sanitary estimation in fish farms of the Rivne region
Purpose – to monitor the epizootic state fish farms of Rivne region on protozoal diseases of fish and give it to the veterinary and sanitary evaluation.
Protozoal diseases – are diseases caused by protozoa organisms – ciliate ciliates. They are very dangerous for all ages fish and can cause significant economic losses on the death of fish in fish farms. The article provides an overview of protozoal diseases, pathogens that are found in waters of the Rivne region, the results of the epizootic status of fish farms of the Rivne region of relatively protozoan diseases of fish in 2010–2016 years. For research use of veterinary documents reporting the Rivne Regional State Laboratory of Veterinary Medicine, the results of epizootiological and clinical examinations of fish farms.
During the above mentioned period in Rivne region investigated 17 farms that are engaged in the cultivation and breeding of fish. Selected specimens of fish were examined for these protozoal diseases: ichthyophthirius disease, hilodonelosis, trihodiniosis. Microscopic examination confirmed the disadvantage of fish farms on the field of fish diseases in the ichthyophthirius disease, chilodonelosis, trichodiniosis. At the same time in all farms annually conducted a complex animal health and fish-economic measures aimed at preventing the occurrence of invasive disease among fish pond, which included: preventive disinfection of water reservoirs, medical monitoring of fish quarantine of imported manufacturers and estivation ponds.
For research used data from epizootic condition of 17 farms of Rivne region in 2010 - 2016, documents the veterinary reports, including the Rivne Regional State Veterinary Laboratory, regional (inter) national laboratory of veterinary medicine, the results of epizootic and clinical examinations fish farms that are carried out by specialists of district and regional institutions of veterinary medicine research. The method and epizootic clinical examination, laboratory techniques, performed veterinary and sanitary evaluation of fish for protozoal diseases.
Ihtioftirioz – parasitic protozoal disease of fish of different species and ages recorded in natural and artificial reservoirs. Refers to a widespread invasion and can cause massive loss of cultivated fish farming facilities. In ihtioftirioz sick almost all freshwater fish of different age groups, including producers. Since 2014 positive results were 2 times less than in previous years, there was a significant reduction of positive samples in farms as a result of preventive measures in Rivne region.
Hilodoneloz – parasitic diseases of fish of different species and ages pathogens which is kind Chilodonella ciliates, localized on the body surface and gills of fish. The disease is registered particulate rearing fish larvae in growing small fish in ponds, and during the winter in ponds and pools wintering facilities.
The most favorable to the disease larvae, fry, this year, one year fish. Adult fish are parasites containing. Most often the disease occurs due to low nutritional status of fish, high density planting and a high content of organic compounds in water. Revealed that as a result of sanitation a decrease identify the causative agent, and already in 2016 the positive results were found.
Tryhodynioz – widespread parasitic disease of many species of fish in the first year of life caused bacteria ciliates kind Trichodinidae, by growing them in the farms of industrial type and larvae and their growing in small fish ponds and this year fish and one year fish carp during the winter in ponds and wintering pools and facilities.
On the origin and spread of the disease affects the density of planting and physiological condition of the fish. Was found tryhodynioz disease pathogens, but in 2014 there was a decrease in cases of detection of the pathogen, and in 2016 the number of positive results decreased 4 times.
Regular carrying out laboratory tests in conjunction with animal health, fishery activities and epizootologikal survey of households provides the control and reduction of the number of sick fish. Routine laboratory studies on microscopsc protozoan diseases of fish in conjunction with epizootic survey of households provides adequate veterinary and sanitary control of fish safety.
Was established veterinary-sanitary estimation on fish ichthyophthirius, chilodonelosis, trichodiniosis. In the absence of sing of depletion of fish, significant violations of the integrity of the skin, deformation of the body – fish in implementing the distribution network without restriction. The patient with the presence of fish deformation body hidremiyi – the implementation does not produce; boil after it is used for animal feed.
Key words: protozoal diseases, ichthyophthirius, chilodonelosis, trichodiniosis, pond fish, state control, veterinary-sanitary estimation, safety, quality, fish farm.
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