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An influence of the episoatic situation with the African swine fever on the development and biosecurity of pig farms in Ukraine
Violations of the organization of biosafety in many pig farms contribute to the large-scale dispersal of many pathogens of highly contagious diseases across the territory of Ukraine. It is practically impossible to foresee, and therefore to control, where exactly the new outbreak of ASF (African Swine Fewer) could occur, and this is a big problem for the state. In the country there is a movement of a large number of potentially diseased animals and products from them that are not controlled by the veterinary services. Unfortunately, funds are not allocated for conducting monitoring of the distribution of the causative agent. Appeals to sponsors also did not give a positive result. In this situation, Ukraine moved from the phase of waiting to the phase of unexpected non-vector outbreaks, caused by anthropogenic factors. Instead of measures related to biosafety and general prevention of ASF, within the situation of violation of security measures, experts are forced to eliminate its consequences.
Concealment of the ASF outbreaks among small farms and further use of contaminated animal carcasses as raw material for food products contributes to the spread of this disease. Of course, these phenomena are not widespread, but the threat in these circumstances increases tenfold. This is especially concerns the places with a high concentration of susceptible livestock and insufficient biosecurity.
Appropriate biological protection of the technological process (proper organizational and economic measures) and the proper organization and timely conduct of antiepizootic measures are important to ensure a stable epizootic situation in each pig farm.
The question arises whether it is possible to prevent such infectious diseases as: ASF, murrain, highly pathogenic bird flu, swine flu, bluetongue, in which there are no means of specific prevention, or if they are available, are not allowed to vaccinate. Indeed, it is possible to fully ensure the biological protection of animals in the production environment and to constantly monitor this.
The discussion about the creation of proper conditions for biosecurity in subsidiary farms and normal farms in Ukraine began only after ASF outbreaks. Whereas all the time the heads of departments, where different kinds of animals are kept, are obliged to carry out a number of organizational and economic measures included in the plans. Those measures include: veterinary and prophylactic, antiepizootic measures, prevention of non-contagious animal diseases and organizational-economic and veterinary-sanitary measures concerning elimination of the disease that was registered at the farm. Violation of such principle of planning as the complexity, uncontrollability of the implementation of the measures provided by the plans of the state veterinary service led to the irresponsibility of the heads of departments for timely and proper conduct of organizational and economic measures (bio protection). Consequently, the violation of the principles of planning and non-fulfillment of the planned work is a consequence of the lack of biosecurity, and accordingly, the complication of the epizootic situation of various infectious diseases in Ukraine.
Biological safety is the creation of a system of animal protection and products protection against infection, which is based on the conduction of preventive measures, directed against external dysfunctional factors. In combination with the proper organization of work and appropriate control, it reduces or completely prevents the transmission of pathogens of animal-to-human infectious diseases through products. Furthermore, biosecurity requires taking measures to minimize the risk of infectious agents occurring among individual production units (avoidance) and the risk of external transmission (inhibition), as well as internal transmission within the production chain.
Practical doctors of veterinary medicine of state institutions and departmental service prove that the implementation of biosecurity measures in pig farms is an investment. Of course, an effective system of biosafety on pig farms, surrounded by subsistence farms, requires large amounts of money. However, if you consider it not as unpredictable costs, but as a powerful investment, then it is not the base case for saving the money but to invest it appropriately. Especially, the investment justifies itself, as in addition to the ASF the farms also warn other dangerous infections.
In modern conditions of conducting an industry of pig farming it is important to ensure the closed mode of operation of each pig breeding enterprise, as it does in poultry farms. It is better to transfer pig farms to the standby mode. The territory of all pig farms should be completely fenced with a metal or concrete fence (height up to 2 meters), where should be only one entrance (entrance through the gate), under constant control of the duty person.
At the entrance the drywall should be equipped, which should be sprinkled with sawdust and once in 2-3 days completely moisten with one of the disinfectants (2% solution of caustic soda, 1% solution of virusocid or vertene S). At the entrance to each livestock room disinfecting carpets should be equipped (filled with sawdust and soaked once in 2-3 days as one of the disinfectants). In general, the requirements are reduced to the level of laboratories working with pathogens of the highest level of contagiousness, with the exception that they prevent it – not to tolerate, but here – prevent entry.
Every owner of the pigs must adhere to the basic principles of biosafety: a healthy animal under any circumstances should not contact the infected animal (or any other rodent, cats, dogs). If a person comes to the animal and feeds it, then it should not come in contact with the animals kept by the owners elsewhere or with the people who feed them. Feed for animals, which contains additives of animal origin, must necessarily be subjected to heat treatment. Every farm worker working with animals should have separate clothing and anti-infected footwear. If a person can carry the pathogen, then the rats and mites can also carry it, therefore, rodents and insects should be destroyed on the pig holdings in accordance with the plan. The tools and tools used to care for animals need to be regularly treated with effective disinfectants.
Those owners (physical and legal persons) who can not meet the requirements of biosafety should not keep pigs. Over the years, African plague will help to leave on the market only those owners which will be able to meet the requirements of the biosafety, but unfortunately dozens of healthy animals will be destroyed and it might cause huge damages to all farmers.
In the first place the people themselves who are in contact with the livestock of pigs should be interested in an efficient biosafety system at pig farms.
In such circumstances, it is necessary to encourage staff to adhere to an unprecedented level of biosafety, because scientists prove that people have great importance in the spread of pathogens of high-contagious diseases (first of all, ASF). In this situation within pig production, it is necessary today in Ukraine to explain more to people about the danger of occurrence and ways of transmission of various pathogens of infectious diseases. People, that work on farms should receive decent wages and accordingly value their work, without violating the requirements that put to them within the production process.
The first stage of biosafety in industrial pig breeding should be preventive quarantine for imported animals, as foreseen by the Law of Ukraine "On Veterinary Medicine" (Article 35). The rooms for quarantine and pigs should be properly reconstructed and properly equipped, having a two-contour fence. Consequently, observance of the Law and carrying out of preventive quarantine of animals in an isolated room for 30 days, under the control of the state veterinary inspector, prevents entry of pathogens of infectious diseases with imported animals. Veterinary and sanitary requirements for the keeping of pigs should be a normative legal document, which entails the responsibility for its non-fulfillment.
The animals have constant contact with service personnel and relevant specialists (human factor). It has been proven that each employee of the farm constantly has 800 conditional contacts with "other people's points of risk", that is, animals, farms, and products.
All farm workers must enter the farm through the sanatorium so that the dirty and clean paths do not overlap, and the traffic sensors are connected to the water supply system, they have not been allowed to enter the animals without taking a shower. The staff should be provided with two sets of overalls, which is to be washed daily on the territory of the sanatorium. With each worker, enter into a written agreement on the inadmissibility of keeping pigs in the household, to prohibit visiting forests, fairs, exhibitions and contacts with wildlife and domestic animals. By written agreement it should be prohibited to the workers of the farm to take the food to work. Every worker in the workplace must be in overalls and special clothing. The use of home and footwear is not permitted. The management of the farm must provide a centralized nutrition for all farm workers.
The timely and proper conduct of general (biosafety) and specific prevention measures in many farms in Ukraine has protected them from African swine fever and other infectious diseases within the current epizootic situation in Ukraine.
Key words: pig breeding, epizootic situation, African swine fever (ASF), biosecurity, organizational and economic and antiepizootic measures, planning, veterinary medicine service.
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