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Toxicity, microbiological parameters and amino acid composition of the organic feed additive Grinat
Recently, the problem of increasing the productivity of farm animals is one of the most important for veterinary medicine. Since the animals “programmed” for maximum productivity by selection turned out to be excessively exposed to anthropogenic and biological negative factors, the result of this is a decrease in their productivity. Conducted toxicological, microbiological, mycological and chromatographic studies of the organic feed additive ˮGreenat“, which includes humic acids. It is promising to study the possibility of using preparations containing humic substances to increase the productivity of farm animals and poultry, to enhance the general nonspecific resistance of the body. Given that peat is the raw material for the manufacture of the additive, toxicity, mycological and microbiological indicators are extremely important. Toxicological studies (bioassays on rabbits and Colpoda steinii culture) proved the absence of toxic substances, as evidenced by the activity of the colpoda infusoria for 10 minutes and 3 hours of the study, and the absence of hyperemia and inflammation on the skin of the rabbit. The number of mold fungi does not exceed the allowable limits of 1.5x102 CFU/g (according to the norm 5.0x104), qualitative studies revealed and identified by mass spectrometry the mold fungi A. alternata; C. cladosporioides, which belong to saprophytes and get into the organic feed additive "Grinat" from the remains of plants during their decomposition. Microscopic fungi Alternaria spp. participate in the decomposition and mineralization of plant residues due to the polygalacturonase enzyme complex, which allows them to attach themselves and exist in various conditions. Cladosporium spp. found outdoors and indoors, in degraded organic debris, produce secondary metabolites such as antibiotics that are inhibitors of B. subtilis, E. coli, and C. albicans. Microbiologically, Maldi Tof mass spectrometry detected Bacillus megaterium, which belongs to soil bacteria, and Staphylococcus hominis, found as a harmless commensal on the skin of humans and animals. Chromatographically confirmed the presence of essential amino acids: leucine (0.120%), valine (0.089%), threonine (0.064%), phenylalanine (0.039%), isoleucine (0.024%), histidine (0.021), methionine (0.011%), lysine (0.05%), tryptophan (0.007%). Accordingly, conditionally replaceable and non-essential amino acids, which can help to avoid a shortage of feed components in animal diets.
Key words: Greenate, Colpoda steinii, general toxicity, amino acids, molds, Maldi Tof, Bacillus megaterium, Staphylococcus hominis, A. alternata, C. cladosporioides.
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