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Today, the problem of monitoring mycotoxins has become global in connection with climate change, a violation of the ecological balance for the use of intensive technologies for processing crops, through air pollution and the accumulation of products of photochemical reactions (photooxidants), which leads to a decrease in plant resistance to phytopathogens.
Every year, the problem of mycotoxicosis is exacerbated, as toxic fungi adapt quickly to new technologies and modern plant protection products. The increase in mycotoxins in foods also relates to the widespread use of nitrogen fertilizers and pesticides.
Natural toxins create risks for the health of humans and animals, affect food security and nutrition, reducing people's access to healthy food. The World Health Organization is constantly appealing to national authorities to monitor and ensure that the levels of the most relevant natural toxins in foods are as low as possible and consistent with both national and international requirements.
Ukraine's membership in the WTO, an association with the European Union, and the expansion of international trade require solutions to the issues of free movement of goods, safe and healthy food, and, accordingly, an adequate level of protection of life and health of people. One of the most important ways to solve them is to improve and harmonize national food legislation in line with international standards, including on the control of mycotoxins.
The purpose of our work was to conduct an analysis of literary sources, international and national legislative acts on the control of mycotoxins in food products throughout the food chain.
To prepare the publication, we have used literary sources on the subject of publication, as well as we have conducted a comparative analysis of national and international legislative acts regulating procedures and methods for controlling the residues of mycotoxins in food.
An analysis of numerous sources has shown that the issue of monitoring mycotoxins in foods, improving laboratory control and risk-based approach to preventing foodborne mycotoxicosis worries scientists from different countries, including Ukrainian. The analysis of national legislation shows that national standards on maximum levels of pollutants have been revised in Ukraine and a number of standards have been harmonized for methods of monitoring the residues of mycotoxins in feed for productive animals, food products of animal and vegetable origin.
Key words: mycotoxins, food chain, food, international law, national legislation, control, safety, risks.
doi: 10.33245/2310-4902-2019-149-1-30-40
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