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The state of erythrocytopoiesis in dogs in physical and emotional load
In our studies, we examined the indices of erythrocytopoiesis in service dogs for physical activity. The studies were conducted on 1.5−2 years old Belgian Shepherd (Malinois) dogs who performed exercises from the international Mondioring program, which included physical and emotional training to train dogs for the Armed Forces, Border Troops and National Police. Blood was collected from animals before training (at rest) and after the training process (lasting 2 hours). It was found that 62.5 % of animals showed a tendency to increase the total number of erythrocytes and their populations − "old" and "mature". Such changes in dogs during exercise are indicative of more intense maturation of “young” erythrocytes in the peripheral blood, elimination of “mature” cells from the depot, increased resistance to the membrane of their membranes, and intensifi cation of the processes of erythrocyte attachment and delivery. With regard to hemoglobin content in the blood and hematocrit, these fi gures in 75.0 % of dogs after exercise tended to increase. However, red blood indices (MСН and MCV) tended to decrease, indicating an increase in the erythrocyte adaptation processes to physiological hypoxia during exercise and the appearance of a large number of unsaturated microcytic forms of erythrocytes in the bloodstream in particular. In the study of the ferumotransferrin complex, it should be noted that in 87.5 % of the animals, the amount of ferum, TIBC and transferrin levels increased, which are related to the release into the bloodstream of the reserve reserves of the ferrum for hemoglobin formation and adequate ability of hepatocytes to synthesize during transplantation.
Key words: dogs, physical activity, erythrocytes, hemoglobin, hematocrit, acid resistance of erythrocytes, ferrum, transferrin, ferumotransferin complex.
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