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The influence of sodium selenite and the phytopreparation Emelin on indicators of natural resistance, safety and laying hen product quality
Food products produced in Ukraine must meet safety and quality indicators in accordance with regulatory and legal acts and provide ordinary consumers with nutrients. Phytoadditives are widely used in most countries of the world, including Ukraine, of great importance in the technological process of growing agricultural animals, especially poultry. The aim of the work was to study the influence of sodium selenite and the herbal preparation "Emelin" on indicators of natural resistance, safety and quality of products of laying hens. To obtain scientific information, the following methods of observation were used: biological, hematological studies, statistical. 260 laying hens of the "Adler silver" breed at the age of 6–11 months were used for experimental research (tests). Optimum sanitary and hygienic conditions for feeding and keeping the birds were created. It was established that the phytosupplement "Emelin" in combination with sodium selenite stimulates hematopoietic processes, which is confirmed by an increase in the hemoglobin content by 12.1-19.5% (p<0.01) and erythrocytes by 11.5-19.9% (p<0 .01) in the peripheral blood of laying hens compared to the control group. The leukocyte content index and erythrocyte sedimentation rate during the research were within the physiological norm in all experimental groups. In the laying hens of the second experimental group, which were fed sodium selenite and the phytopreparation "Emelin", an increase in the weight of eggs compared to the control group was observed by 2.15- 2.51% (р<0.05. It should be noted that with an increase in the weight of the eggs increases and the weight of its constituent parts increases. The use of feed enriched with sodium selenite in the amount of 0.25 mg/kg of dry matter of compound feed and phytopreparation "Emelin" made it possible to increase by 13.5% the number of carcasses of the 1st commodity category in the first and second experimental groups compared with the control (p<0.05), and with the combined use of sodium selenite and the phytonutrient "Emelin" in the third experimental group - by 19.6% (p<0.05), respectively. In addition, the use of feeds enriched with sodium selenite and the phytopreparation "Emelin" allowed not only to minimize the number of non-standard carcasses, but also the possibility of their appearance, which is confirmed by the results of the absence of non-standard carcasses in the third experimental group. The overall economic efficiency of the comprehensive use of the combination of sodium selenite and the herbal preparation "Emelin" was mainly determined by the increase in productivity (egg production) of laying hens, as well as the cost of the herbal preparation, which was (0.97 UAH/kg) and sodium selenite (3.5 UAH/kg) . Thus, feeding the sodium selenite complex in the form of an organic form, at a dose of 25 μg/kg, and the herbal phytopreparation "Emelin", at a dose of 7.0 ml per experimental group, had a positive effect on the productivity, preservation and quality of the carcasses of laying hens.
Key words: laying hens, keeping conditions, conservation, productivity, egg production, morphological indicators of blood, phytopreparation, ecologically harmless, food safety, consumer.
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