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Geoinformation analysis of rabies spread in Vinnytsya region
This paper presents the results of a geoinformation analysis of the spread of rabies in Vinnytsia region during 2018. The material for the study was the official data from the report of the region laboratory of veterinary medicine of the State Food and Consumer Service of Ukraine. GIS analysis was performed using Quantum GIS software version 3.4.10.
The highest incidence of rabies among foxes was observed in the autumn-winter period, especially in November and December. Among cats and dogs, elevated rates were observed from October to May (with a predominance in January-March). Among farm animals, the disease progressed in summer and to a greater extent in early autumn (September-October). Outbreaks of rabies in other wild animals were not synchronously associated with fox disease and were reported in winter only in January, during spring (mainly in May) and in early summer.
Calculated using standard deviations ellipses, the spatial trends of rabies distribution among different animal species show that the vast majority of rabies cases among foxes were localized in the centre of the region along the western border; among cats more compact, closer to the northern border; among dogs, cases of rabies were scattered throughout the territory and distributed along the northeastern border; among farm animals were localized only in the northern part of the region; among other wild animals were registered almost throughout the region.
The identification of "hot spots" allowed to establish zones of maximum rabies density with a rate of 27.8 casesof rabies per kmํ for all species of animals. For foxes, the zones of the highest density (17.9 cases per kmํ) were mainly localized in the areas near Khmelnytsky, Zhytomyr and Cherkasy regions. For cats (9.12 cases per kmํ) they covered the territories of the central and north-eastern districts. For dogs (9.12 cases per kmํ) only in the north-eastern regions. For farm animals (9 cases per kmํ) the location of the hotspots coincided with the areas for cats. Among other wild animals, the highest density (3.71 cases per kmํ) was recorded in the southern part of the regions.
The prospect of further research is based on modeling the dynamics of rabies in the Vinnytsia regions.
Key words: GIS analysis, rabies of wild animals, rabies of domestic animals, epizootic situation, rabies in Ukraine.
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