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Research of the probiotic efficiency preparation “sporo-leks” for use in field
Microbial contamination of feeds and objects of the environment leads to a protractive colonization of the intestines of newborn animals with pathogenic microorganisms, which significantly slows down and even prevents the formation of normal intestinal microflora. Therefore, over the past two decades in the world, interest in biological preparations that has been implicated in stabilized cultures of symbiotic living microorganisms or products of their fermentation – probiotics has increased.
The goal of the work was to conduct a study of safety and efficiency of the preparation "Sporo-leks" in the production environment.
Probiotic "Sporo-leks" is a mixture of probiotic cultures of Bacillus licheniformis VK-25 and Bacillus subtilis MK-3 on a natural standardized sorbent (montmorillonite rock of the Volodymyretske field).
Field researches of the efficiency of the veterinary preparation "Sporo-leks" were conducted in Ukrainian farms in Chernivtsi, Khmelnytsky, Kyiv and Cherkasy regions. In this case, the test preparation was tested for harmlessness and efficacy. Efficiency for bovine animals was studied on cows weighing 400-500 kg and calves weighing 60-70 kg.
The determination of the concentration of bacteria in the E. coli group (BGKP) in faeces of animals was carried out in accordance with the standards harmonized with ISO 4831: 2006 "Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – The most probable number technique." Biochemical and hematological studies of peripheral blood of animals were investigated according to commonly accepted methods.
According to the obtained results, it was found that in cows receiving the probiotic "Sporoz-leks" there was a decrease in the concentration of BGKP in feces in the two weeks of application of the preparation.
As a result of the conducted research it was established that the systematic use of the study preparation contributes to a significant increase in the number of red blood cells in the blood of cows and increase the bactericidal activity of serum in the experimental group.
As a result of the conducted researches, it was found that the use of "Sporo-leks" contributes to reducing the amount of BGKP in feces calves from the 14th day of its application. But the systematic use of the above mentioned product contributes to a significant increase in the number of erythrocytes in the blood from the first weeks of use, as well as a significant increase in BASK from the 28 days of application.
Animals receiving probiotic "Sporo-leks" during the observation period gained an average of 6.4 kg over the control group.
Conclusions. 1. The preparation of "Sporo-leks" is safe for the cattle, significantly increases the level of BASK, it is expedient to use as a feed biological additive directed adaptogenic and immune-regulating effect on fattening young animals of farm animals.
2. The influence of "Sporo-leks" on the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract of animals was established. At the same time the preparation "Sporo-leks" has a pronounced effect, which is manifested in suppression of the bacteria of the intestinal stem, due to the antagonistic action of strains Bacillus licheniformis VK-25 and Bacillus subtilis MK-3, which are the part of the product.
Key words: «Sporo-leks», probiotic, safety, non-specific, efficiency, E. coli group bacteria.
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